Author Archives: Mrs Cook

P1 14.5.20

Good morning Primary 1!

We have been enjoying speaking to most of you on the telephone this week. If we haven’t managed to get through to you and you wish to make contact with us please send an e-mail to the school office and they will forward it on.

Next week some of our videos will include life skills so watch out for lessons on how to tie your shoe laces, how to peel and grate a carrot and how to cut up a cucumber! Add a carrot and cucumber to your shopping list if you wish to join in with these activities!

We hope that you all received you new packs of worksheets yesterday. Perhaps you could take one of the scavenger hunts with you on a walk and see how many things you can spot.

Here are today’s Literacy and Numeracy tasks:

Literacy 14.5.20

Numeracy 14.5.20

Today’s video is of Mrs Messenger reading The Hungry Caterpillar in French!

If you would like to watch the English version read by Mrs Murdoch in nursery click on the second link.

WhatsApp Video 2020-05-13 at 14.41.20


The photographs below show the seedlings of basil and mixed flowers that E in 1c has been growing. The herb basil has a lovely smell and is used a lot in Italian food. It is also used to make pesto.

Have a good day!

Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook

P1 11.5.20

Good morning Primary 1! We hope that you have had a good weekend and are ready to do some more school tasks today.

On Wednesday there will be packs of worksheets ready to collect from the school between 10 am and 12 noon for each child. These will complement the tasks on the blog.

Mrs Howard’s PE activities will continue from last week.

We have added some lovely photographs showing what some of you have been doing. Thank you KM, CA and EM!

Today the video link is of Miss Johnstone reading a story called The Station Mouse.

There is also a link to pictures of some night animals that visited Mrs Cook’s garden.

Enjoy today’s activities!

Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook             

Story time with Miss Johnstone

Family Learning week 6 – 11.5.20

Literacy 11.5.20

Numeracy 11.5.20

night animals

P1 6.5.20

Good morning Primary 1! We hope that you have had a good long weekend and are ready to do some more school tasks today.  Have you noticed that it is getting light earlier in the morning and getting dark a bit later? This is because it is spring and we are getting nearer to summer. Have you spotted signs of spring on your walks such as leaves appearing on the trees, lambs in the fields and the yellow flowers of dandelions in the grass?

The Active Learn website is making some changes so please take a note of your password and username before then as you will need to re-enter them after the 16th of May.

Today the video link is of Mrs Cook reading chapter 1 of a story called The Great Denture Adventure.  The publisher, MacMillan, are kindly allowing their books to be read on blogs whilst children are home learning. The video had to be shortened at the start and end to allow it to be uploaded so there is no introduction! It was chosen because we know that the P1 children enjoy chapter books and because previous classes have found it funny. Here are some questions for you to think about after listening:

  1. Did the children really like Grandma’s rock cakes?
  2. Why did Grandma make strange ‘Ah’ noises and flap her arms?
  3. Was it a little sneeze or a big sneeze? How do you know?
  4. Why did Grandma’s words sound funny?

Did you manage to answer the questions? If you did well done for doing careful listening! If you found this tricky perhaps you will get better with more practise when you listen to the next chapter.

Enjoy today’s activities!

Mrs Messenger, Miss Hendrie, Miss Johnstone and Mrs Cook

The Great Denture Adventure – Chapter 1

Family Learning week 5 – 6.5.20

Throwing and Catching Visual Resource P1

Literacy 6.5.20

Numeracy 6.5.20

P1 PE – Week Beg 4 May