Author Archives: Mrs Messenger


We hope you enjoyed our BLOG updates from camp last week!  We had so much fun and made so many great memories!


We are continuing to enjoy our Transition project with Armadale Academy every week.  In class, we have been revising short division and learning new strategies for long division, such as the chunking method and dividing using factors.


In literacy, we wrote fabulous science fiction stories using descriptive detail and great vocabulary!  We will see if any of our stories are able to predict the future which we learned about while exploring this genre!  We have had lots of class discussions about our topics for our exposition writing focus, which have included the recent war in Ukraine, social media and it’s effects and whether P.E should be part of our curriculum.  It has been very interesting!  Our focus for reading is inference, we are getting much better at spotting clues in texts to help us!

Other areas

Spanish – We are learning vocabulary for clothes and colours.  Our transition SWAY from the Academy this week was from the Modern Languages department and we had to introduce ourselves in French and Spanish!

P.E – We are taking part in a class hockey tournament and finishing off our block of gymnastics by creating our own sequences which have to include certain skills that we have been learning over the last 6 weeks!

We have enjoyed:

J – Camp was fun; I especially liked talking to my friends in our room.

F – We got to do so many activities at camp, it was brilliant but I was really tired at the end of it!

CT – As part of British Science week, we are taking part in a project with the Academy which I am looking forward to.

L – I enjoyed baking.  I made chocolate brownies and cakes.

A – I enjoyed the pizza box challenge at camp because it had an extra fear factor to it but I overcame my fears and had fun.

H – The King Swing was the best activity, I went on it with my teacher who screamed very loudly!



We have been revising our multiplication methods such as the lattice method, grid method and column method.  We are also continuing with our Algebra block in line with our Academy transition project.  In class we are exploring different division methods including the bus stop method and the chunking method.  Our knowledge of times tables is very useful in division, so it is important that we keep practising these at home!


In literacy we created our own biographies of a friend, completed an information report on a sports person and wrote some diary entries.  We continue to increase our knowledge of how to identify and interpret key information which is our key comprehension focus at the moment.  We are continuing to read daily in class and we are competing in the First Minister’s reading Challenge as part of our World Book Day activities!


We used our STEM skills to carry out experiments with glacier movement and erosion which was fun! We are moving on to learning about inherited characteristics and genes through exploring  the Sherpa community.  In music, we are appraising and identifying dimensions of music (pulse, rhythm, pitch etc), working up to improvising, composing and performing our own music by singing and playing instruments.

Other areas

Spanish – We are learning phrases on how to order at a restaurant and vocabulary for food and drink.  We have been role playing in pairs to learn the vocabulary, we have planned a visit to our favourite restaurant and we will soon be creating our own menus!

Transition – We have begun our online transition to Armadale Academy.  Each department will send a SWAY plus activities for us to complete every week!  So far, we have completed lessons for the Maths, CDT and Student support departments.  We are recording these in a transition jotter which will be given to our new teachers in June. We use our STEM skills to complete a build challenge set by the CDT department at Armadale Academy which we all really enjoyed!  These pictures were uploaded for our new teachers to see.

We have enjoyed:

L – I’m excited to play hockey in P.E

C – I have really enjoyed doing gymnastics in P.E and I am so excited to go to camp!

J – The chunking method in numeracy for division is fun!

N – I like learning about glaciers and I really like numeracy especially the methods of multiplication.

K – I enjoyed doing the frozen landscape pictures in Art.




We are continuing to enjoy our Transition project with Armadale Academy every week.  In class we continue to practise strategies to consolidate our multiplication skills such as the grid method, the column method and the lattice method.  We also continue to practise our times tables daily as our challenge is to know these forwards and backwards by Easter!  We have begun a block of algebra where we are learning various strategies to simplify algebraic equations.  Some P7 children have been leading their own learning in Numeracy by developing multiplication lessons for other stages.  They then delivered these lessons to the younger children during outdoor learning which was a great success!


In literacy we are focusing on features of non-fiction.  We dissected various pieces of non-fiction texts including newspaper reports, persuasive, discussion and recounts, to compare language features, purpose and subject.

During our Scots focus fortnight, we each recited a Scots poem, wrote our own Scots poems and translated text into Scots.  We also created our own comic strips based on ‘The Broons’ family!  Well done to N and F who were our P7m finalists and took 1st and 2nd in the poetry recital competition!


We have been learning about glaciers and different ice ages within our IDL.  We have produced fact files on the various megafauna and created beautiful frozen landscapes using tissue paper and oil pastels.  We are looking forward to our STEM experiments next week for glacial erosion and movement.

Other areas

P.E – We recently completed our Heptathlon challenge in P.E, which gave us an opportunity to participate in some field and track events such as standing triple jump, shot putt and hurdles.  We continue to do a mixture of indoor and outdoor P.E,  and we have started a new block of gymnastics and handball.

We have enjoyed:

L – I have really enjoyed learning about algebra and the grid method.

T – I find our new topic is really good, I especially like learning about glaciers.

K – I’ve enjoyed our new topic ‘Frozen’.

C – I have enjoyed doing the column method in numeracy.

O – I’ve enjoyed learning about glaciers.

E – I’ve enjoyed doing gymnastics, especially backwards rolls and stag jumps.

Z – I really enjoyed our Heptathlon challenge!