WB 21.09.22

In PE we have been continuing with gymnastics. We have been learning how to do cartwheels and vaulting. We have also been creating our own stations during our outdoor sessions on a Wednesday.

In literacy we have been writing mystery recounts. We have recounted a mysterious death and we had a crime scene set up to give us clues as to what happened.

In numeracy we have been focusing on division and have been doing some revision work sent to us from the Academy. We have also finished looking at the lattice method and Japanese method for multiplication. In maths, with Mrs Cross, we have been looking at data handling.

The leadership team have been very busy preparing for our Coffee Morning this Friday and the rest of P7 have been creating and rehearsing for our P7 assembly this Friday. We would love any cake donations for Thursday 29th of September. We hope to see you there!

From P7Mo 🙂