23.9.22 P4hs

We have been really busy in P4hs this term.

We are continuing to read our class novel ‘The Wild Robot’ and enjoying it very much.  We will share our reviews soon.

We really enjoyed doing some junk modelling recently.  We had to work together in groups to create a robot. All the groups worked really well together and created some fantastic robots.

Last week we made a class scarecrow.  We used different fabrics, paper and items of clothing to make our scarecrow.  We are proud to be showcasing our scarecrow at the MacMillan Coffee Morning on Friday 30th September.

We have really enjoyed getting back into the hall for our whole school assemblies.  It’s great to be back together singing and learning.

In our class we have started ‘Star of the Week’.  Millie was our first star and we are looking forward to hearing who will be our next star!

We have started our Egyptian topic and can’t wait to find out more about hieroglyphics, mummification, Egyptian clothing, landmarks and the pyramids.  We used oil pastels to create our own Egyptian masks – they are on display in our classroom and they are fabulous!  To tie in with our shape topic in maths we also drew some 3d pyramids!