P1 Home Learning 1/5/20

Good morning everyone!  It is the start of May already!  How time flies! Remember there will be no online learning on Monday or Tuesday of next week due to the May holiday, but we will return on Wednesday 6th May!

Here are today’s literacy and numeracy tasks:

Literacy 1.5.20

Numeracy 1.5.20 (1)

Literacy 1.5.20   (pdf)

Numeracy 1.5.20 (1)  (pdf)

Mrs Messenger has recorded a story for you to watch.  Once you have seen it, have a think and discuss the following questions:  Who did Caterpillar speak to first in the story?  How do you think Caterpillar feels when Sparrow tells him he can’t fly?  Can you draw a picture of Caterpillar’s transformation?

We have received these wonderful photographs from JH who has been painting pebbles with his sister and then adding them to the path at Wester Inch.  They look great, don’t they? What a  lovely way to brighten up someone’s daily walk!  Well done!

2 thoughts on “P1 Home Learning 1/5/20

  1. Post author

    I have uploaded the Pdf files for Literacy and Numeracy today. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

  2. Hi is it possible to use pdfs for the documents rather than docx word files? Not all of our devices have a word processor.


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