Our sessions with Mrs Poynter for the NYCOS Bronze Musicianship have now finished. We had 12 sessions in total and we learned lots about rhythm, musical notation and singing. We even started to write our own music! And of course, we enjoyed all the fun games. Thank you Mrs Poynter!

The Sleepy Stargazers

Nativity practise 008 Nativity practise 009 Nativity practise 004This has been such a busy week practising for our Nativity. For you we hope it will be a wonderful and enjoyable show but for us it has been so much more and we have developed many new skills. Our confidence has grown and our reading improved just by learning and delivering our lines. With the help of Mrs Thomson our acting skills might just see us appearing on next year’s Oscars list! As for our singing….well your ears are in for a treat!! Thank you so much for all your support at home to help us learn our lines. Please make sure your child brings anything required for their costume (as detailed in letter) on Monday for our dress rehearsal.

P6 Update

I loved Hopetoun House – Kayleigh.

I really, really, really enjoyed making the News Report at Sky – Alexander.

I thought Christmas Lunch was YUMMY! – Olivia.

I loved making the news report at Sky, particularly using the camera – Lochlan.

We’ve been getting on really well this week with our #RandomActsofKindness – have you seen us around? – Daisy.

At Hopetoun we got to make butter and buttermilk – in class we then tasted this on pancakes and crumpets! I’d give it 10/10! – Shefali.


Come to our class to see more….!

P3b Achievement

Today in class, six of our children received achievement certificates for their fantastic work over the past couple of weeks.

First up, for doing a super job at sharing his learning at the showcase, we have Luca!


Luca says “I liked getting a certificate.  I feel happy!”

Next, for his wonderful Katie Morag short story, we have Roan!


Roan says “I feel epic. It was exciting and I can’t wait to show Mum and Dad”

Next, for working in a successful partnership to create their model island, we have Ryan and Eve!


Ryan says “I feel amazing!” and Eve says “I fee outstanding.  I can’t wait to show my Mum and Dad”

And last up, also for working in a successful partnership to design and make their model island, we have Morgan and Ethan!


Morgan says “My Mum and Dad are going to be so pleased!  I feel epic!” and Ethan says “My Mum and Dad are going to be so happy with me.  I feel epic too!”

Well done to our achievement certificate recipients!  You have worked so hard and Miss Robertson and P3b are proud of you all!

This Week in Primary 5

There have been lots of things happening in primary 5 as we prepare for Christmas.

We were able to go and watch the Nursery children perform their Nativity. It was fantastic to see, especially as we had been in the nursery a few weeks ago reading to them.

Nursey Nativity

On Thursday we made Spiced Apple Chutney with Mrs Logan. It was great fun. We had to peel, chop and dice the ingredients before measuring out brown sugar, red wine vinegar, sultanas,  cayenne pepper, cumin and ground ginger. Then we mixed all the ingredients in a bowl before finally putting the chutney into our own glass jars which we took home. We need to remember to leave it for 2-3 days in the fridge to allow all the flavours to mix. Don’t forget to give it a shake every day!

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Also on Thursday we completed the last experiment in our Science topic, Solids, Liquids and Gases. The last experiment was to create a gas. We needed to get into groups of three. In our groups we poured vinegar into a small bottle until it was one quarter full. Then we put a teaspoon of baking powder in a balloon and put the balloon over the top of the bottle. After 3 we all tipped the balloon up so that the baking powder reacted with the vinegar causing carbon dioxide to form in the bottle, making the balloon blow up.

Wk beginning 7th Dec

We have had a fabulous week preparing for our nativities, performing a dress rehearsal for the school children then finishing off with our performance to all of our family and friends. We all did so well singing the songs, remembering our lines, moving to position on the stage and smiling at the audience. Our mummies and daddies were saying how great we were! There will be entries into online journals shortly.

Within the nursery playroom, we have been enjoying imaginative play in our Christmas House Corner. We have been serving dinner to our friends, looking after unwell babies and also pretending to be Santa, arriving with our presents.

At the craft area we have been using A LOT of glitter whilst making a variety of Christmas pictures and our Christmas cards.

General Housekeeping:
-Our Christmas post box is still available in the cloakroom. Class lists are attached to the door for anyone requiring names for cards
– Christmas party is on Wednesday 16th Dec for ALL children. Children should arrive at small hall door (beside the main reception) for 9.15. P6 will be joining us for some games and dancing. Parents are welcome to attend for the arrival of our Special visitor who will be in the big hall for 10.30. All parents should come to the P2/3 door (beside nursery entrance).
-ALL children to attend theatre on the morning of Thursday 17th December. For PM children, please come to the P2/3 door at 9.15

Be The Best You Can Be!

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