P7a 31/3.17

We enjoyed doing our show this week, we thought it was brilliant and our audience did too!Grace thought it was funny when her moustache fell off and Isabel’s glasses broke in two.
Well done to those pupils who got certificates for Science Fair.
We worked on a story titled ‘Eye of the storm’ for Young Writer.
Finally we shared Easter holiday gifts for our buddies.
Happy easter holidays everyone!

P4a say Happy Easter!

This week we worked in teams to design, plan and make Easter Gardens. We revised the story of Easter from the Christian Bible and included things like the tomb, the crosses and characters in our Easter Garden models. We enjoyed showing them off at assembly.

We made Easter cards following instructions.

In Language we have been researching Easter Around the World and finding information from different sources. In Maths we have continued our time topic and moved on to telling the time in 5 minute intervals.

Well done to Patrick as his design for a Roald Dahl book cover was chosen to make a door poster. It is now on Mrs Dare’s office door.

We are delighted that our class won the Fairtrade snack certificates for having the most Fairtrade snacks on the Friday.

We are sad to say goodbye to our other P4 teacher Mr Mackie. We wish everyone a Happy Easter! Enjoy the holidays!


Red Nose Day Thank You

Thank you to all who supported Primary 4 and contributed to our Red Nose Day fundraising. We are pleased to announce that we have raised a total of £191.08 so far and the money is still coming in! In addition to donations, Primary 4 also sold 680 red noses and 120 wristbands in 5 days! That’s a total of £800 worth of Red Nose Day goods! Thanks to all for making it a big success!

Red Nose Day 2017

We are the Publicity Team from P4 and we would like to remind you about Red Nose Day 2017.

Red noses and wristbands are being sold for £1. Going fast!

Joke competition – enter your year group competition to try and get into the final on Friday. it is free to enter but you have to be funny!

Design a Red Nose competition – this is 20p to enter and there will be red nose themed prizes. Get your sheet from P4 now. We will collect entries and money on Wednesday and Thursday.

Red on the Head – on Friday it is a dress-up day and you can wear something red on your head for a donation. A red bow, red hairspray, red nose, red mask, red wig etc etc.

Assembly – this is on Friday. You will learn more about the charity and how it helps others around the world. This is for pupils ad staff only (sorry – no parents!)

Have fun! Thank you!


P7b 17.3.17

We have had a great week in P7b!

We have spent lots of time in the big hall rehearsing for our P7 show. We are so excited about performing the show and are seeing all the ICT, costumes, props, choreography and art work coming together now!

In PE we have been playing lots of different games focusing on teamwork. We have really enjoyed dodgeball and chicken run.

In maths we have been focusing on 3D shape and symmetry. We have been working with 2 or more lines of symmetry as well as looking at reflections. We have had fun with this, especially when exploring symmetrical patterns.

A massive well done to everyone who took part in the James Young High School science fair on Monday! We are very proud of you all!

A note for next week… remember no show scrips for rehearsals and bring in costumes please!

Bon Weekend,

P7b and Miss Brown

News from P2/1 and P2 17.3.17

We were so good at counting forwards in 2s that our teachers decided to challenge us to see if we could count backwards in 2s. Guess what, when we remembered the pattern ‘ 10, 8, 6, 4, 2’ we could do it.  We have also been working very hard to find the quickest and most efficient strategies when solving add on, take away and missing number sums. We have been enjoying taking part in a “Speed Challenge”  activity. You could always play this at home.


Our clockwork this week focused on making quarter past times on analogue and digital clocks. Again we learned another part of the rhyme ‘ hands at the top ….’ to try and make it easier for us to remember where the big hand goes and what numbers we need to put on a digital clock.

Our spelling words this week had the ‘ng’ sound. Our teachers are very impressed with our word detective skills. We are becoming really good at spotting all the different rules and patterns which helps us to spell words. This week we were writing instructions and rules. We remembered that you need to put numbers before each instruction or rule and the importance of being clear and precise.

Sadly Magic Grandad did not visit us this week as we have now learned so much about schools in the past. We are really excited to be travelling on the bus to Glasgow to see what Magic Grandad’s school was like. Our teachers have asked if our parents/carers could check when they fill the forms in that nothing has been missed out.

In Science, we have been learning all about the sun, moon and Earth. We love watching and listening to the song:

It helps us to remember all the facts we need to know. We had so much fun acting out how the moon moves around the Earth whilst the Earth is moving around the sun.

For next week we need to think of a joke that is funny but not rude! The winner of each year group will then tell their joke to the whole school at our Comic Relief assembly next Friday. How exciting.

P4a’s Exciting Fortnight!

We are delighted to announce that we released some Brown Trout fry into our local Murieston Water last week. Amy and Jonathon from Forth Fisheries brought us some new fish that they had reared and we all got a little bag to carry down to the river. Once at the river, we released our fish and wished them well in the big wide world. We also took part in some investigations of the river-life and looked at samples of water to see what creatures we could identify using the magnifying glasses and cards. Thank you to Forth Fisheries and Murieston Environmental Group that supported us in this project.

In Maths, we have been problem-solving by finding patterns in number sequences. This was quite tricky, even for Miss McMillan! We have been learning to multiply bigger numbers by 10 and 100. We have continued practising telling the time on analogue and digital clocks to the quarter hour.

In our Hinduism topic in RME, we learned about the Spring festival of Holi. This festival celebrates good triumphing over evil. We found out that it is celebrated by people throwing coloured paint at each other, dancing and processions, and having a bonfire. We watched a video about Holi made by the boys and girls in Mumbai, India. We thought it looked fun and we would like to take part too! We also learned about Hindu worship and Hindu shrines. We made our own model shrine using some artefacts and learned the five senses are important in Hindu worship.

Primary 4 are busy organising Comic Relief fundraising activities for Red Nose Day next Friday. We all got to choose a team to work in and now we all have different jobs to do – Sales Team, Publicity Team, Assembly Team, Joke Competition Team, Design a Red Nose Competition Team, Dress-Up Day Team, Drama Team and Dance Team. We are hoping to make it a big success! In Language, we have been finding information from different sources to learn more about how Comic Relief helps people around the world.

It was British Science Week and so Isabel’s mum, who is a scientist, came in to help us with our learning. We talked about different jobs that are science-related like doctors, engineers and nurses. We learned about solids, liquids and gases. We did an experiment mixing water with food dye, oil and washing-up liquid. She also showed us some gloop made with cornflour and water and gave us an experiment card to take home. We could complete the experiment then fill out the card or online form and send it back to the scientists at Edinburgh University. Of course, we need adult help and permission to do this!

We have sent some of our work over to the Universal School in Mumbai with Mrs Logan. We made books about Scotland, translated some of our own Scots poems and also sent our water posters. We are excited about sharing our work with the children there.

In Drama, we worked in groups to create and perform comedy sketches. In Art, we have finished our paintings inspired by the work of Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai. In Dance, we are now able to dance the Gay Gordons in a circle! We also worked in groups to make up our own dances using Scottish steps.

We enjoyed taking part in the Big Fairtrade Break and eating our Fairtrade snacks together in the playground. Well done to our most recent Achievement Award winners. Well done to Hailey who represented Primary 4 at the West Lothian Scottish Poetry Competition at St Kentigern’s Academy recently. Well done to Emma, Eilish and Eloise who took part in the Dance Festival at Deans Community High School this week, along with the rest of the lunchtime dance club. We have started doing our online CEM tests. We will continue these next week…


P1A’s Responsibility Assembly

It has been a busy week in P1A preparing an oscar worthy performance for our parents and the pupils in P1, 2 and 3. The children took responsibility for planning the assembly and gave the teachers great ideas about what they wanted to include in the show. Here are the children’s favourite parts:

Joshua, Zeno, Finn, Alfie, Sophie, Ella and Harry enjoyed the story of Rosa Rabbit.

Aria, Ruby, Matthew, Daisy, Madison, Sadie, Alex and Thomas enjoyed singing the Responsibility song.

Ben, Isla, Rory and Bobby enjoyed watching the video of pupils and staff sharing their examples of when they had been responsible.

McKenzie enjoyed using the microphone.

Thank you to everyone who came and watched us.

Be The Best You Can Be!

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