Our week in P7a, 26.5.17

We enjoyed Kuk Sool Won and judo as part of health fortnight. We had our first induction day at JYHS which was fun and we found out our tutor groups. We took part in the West Lothian Athletics Championship, where we enjoyed taking part and experiencing new events. We learned which biomes were best for growing plants by watching our plants grow.We have been busy creating maths activities for next week’s PATPAL event. Hope the sun continues to shine. 🙂

P4a’s Fun Few Weeks!

Sorry we haven’t posted for a while – we have been very busy!

We had an amazing trip to Sky Academy where we learned about making films and trailers in a real TV Studio. We were the first class in the world to try out their new workshop about creative writing! First of all we talked about favourite films and watched clips on the big screen and ipads. In groups, we came up with characters, settings and stories for an magical action film and then we made trailers for the film. It was fantastic to see them on the big screen and we all got a copy on a USB to take home and share.

We are busy working on our P4 Show: Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies. We held auditions and we all now have a part to play – acting, singing, dancing and technical team. We are busy practising our lines at home and rehearsing at school. We have started designing scenery pictures and we have learned 3 dances already. Any parents/carers that could help us with the show, please get in touch.

Our Scotland topic has seen us research Scotland’s Big 5 animals. We have found information, made notes and we are now using our notes to make group posters. We have a new display up about Mary Queen of Scots and our research trip to Edinburgh.

We have just finished our block of Mandarin lessons with Miss Wang. We learned how to count to 100 and we learned how to write words using characters. It was a lot of fun and very interesting. We loved the songs!

In Maths, we have been calculating durations of time in hours, half hours and quarter hours. We have used timetables as well. We have also been learning about fractions of shapes and numbers: halves, quarters, fifths and tenths. On Outdoor Classroom Day, we enjoyed practising this outdoors in the playground.

We are loving Health Fortnight so far! We have had lessons with special coaches/teachers such as dancing, hockey, football and hula-hooping. We also have started learning to play Kurling in P.E.. This is a version of Curling but is played indoors in a hall instead of on ice.

We look forward to more healthy, sporty fun next week.

This week in P7a, 19/5/17

We had great fun hula hooping and playing hockey during Health Week. We created biomes in bottles- we are watching closely to see which supports the plant life best of all. We began work on our PATPAL maths activities. On Thursday we thoroughly enjoyed using our map skills to find healthy foods on the treasure hunt. Hope the sun continues to shine.


We checked our bikes for starting bikeability. We enjoyed celebrating achievements at assembly. Our new topic is Holidays around the World also we created posters and powerpoint presentations about different aspects of the weather and peer assessed them. We found out lots of information! We started earning dojo points- well done to Hannah, Billy and Finlay- this week’s winners!

P4’s Exciting Week!

What an exciting week we have had in P4! We went on our trip to Holyrood Park and the Palace of Holyroodhouse. At the park, we did a workshop with the Rangers all about the local area around the park and Arthur’s Seat related to kings and queens of the past. We heard stories, designed a banquet and drew pictures of the palace using charcoal. It was very interesting and great fun but very, very cold! We also visited the palace where we took part in a costume workshop to learn about clothes in the time of Mary Queen of Scots. Four of us even got to dress up! We then went on a tour of the palace with our guide and learned more about what it would have been like to live there in the past. The highlight was going into Mary Queen of Scots’ private rooms including her bedroom.

We also met a new teacher this week, Miss Wang who is from Beijing in China. She will be teaching us Mandarin for a few weeks. This week we learned how to say hello, numbers 1 to 10 and thank you.

Our P4 show is going to be Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies, a comical pantomime based on the legend of Robin Hood. We will be auditioning for parts soon. More details to follow soon.

In maths, we have been learning how to tell the time in 5 minute intervals using analogue and digital clocks. We have also been learning how to divide bigger numbers by 10 and 100. We have been revising data-handling using bar graphs and tally marks. Another focus has been answering maths questions and solving little problems. In language, we have been researching Mary Queen of Scots using different texts and using the information to create timelines and quizzes. We are busy writing reports on our school trip.

We have started to present our homework on a famous/important Scottish person from the past. It will take us a while to hear all these wonderful presentations – a few weeks at least – but we will all get a turn eventually!


P7b 28.4.17

Hi everyone!

In science we have started a new topic looking at classifying living things. This week we explored the different kingdoms and found out what living things were included in each kingdom.

In maths we have been learning how to calculate the perimeter of shapes, including composite shapes. We have been working on perimeter problems too. These have challenged us and helped us to apply our skills.

In Literacy we have continued to focus on the skill of summarising. Some of us were also using De bono’s thinking hats to help us explore a short story ‘The Lighthouse.’ In addition to this we have been focusing closely on how we can use more sophisticated connectives to join sentences together and how this can enhance our writing and help it to flow better.

With Miss Trotter we are doing animation which we are really enjoying! This week we created our own thaumatropes.

With Mrs Vest, we were recapping on French greetings and writing these in our vocabulary jotters. We are looking forward to learning more French and developing our confidence with this!

With Mrs McConnachie, we created an ‘all about me’ page in our sketch books. We focused on things we like, and thought about how we could write our name creatively.

This week in PE we continued our learning in hockey by exploring how to do a push pass to pass the ball accurately. We played lots of different games to help us apply this skill.

We have started a new topic in Health and Wellbeing on drugs and alcohol. We have started by discussing what we already know and what we would like to learn about through exploring some big questions.

In addition to this we have started a new topic on ‘Holidays around the world.’ We are working on a group challenge where we have to investigate different elements of weather.

Have a great long weekend,

from P7b and Miss Brown

News from P2/1 and P2 28 avril 2017

We have started counting up and down in 5s. Can you remember what is special about all the numbers when you count in 5s? We love singing our song to help us with our learning.


We have started working with money. We love looking at all the information found on the coins. It is so exciting that we can now work with the new £1 coin. What is the difference between the old pound coin and the new £1 coin ? Why not try and count out any change you find in your house?

We practised spelling our words with the ‘ sp’ sound. How many words can you find which have the ‘sp’ sound when you are out and about . Do these words have any other rules and patterns that you notice?

We enjoyed listening to the story of the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch and have been inspired to make lots of different things from the story.

One of our challenges has been to make a seagull with moving wings. How will we manage this ?

P2/1 started to make their lighthouse models out of clay. This was so much fun making the sausage shape to create the lighthouse shape.

Here are some of the children’s thoughts for this week:

Jesse, Parvana, Mia, Sherwin, Yusuf, Katie, Daniel, Jessica, Max and Mekhi all loved throwing the javelin in P.E with Mr Muldoon.

Ruaridh, Alana and Nevan loved writing a story where they were one of the cheeky seagulls from the Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch.

Anna, Ethan and Carlie  liked learning about lighthouses.

Lily really enjoyed the challenge of solving the flag problem.

Orla and Emily’s highlight for the week was using the clay to make their lighthouses.


Donald really enjoyed making his seagull and making the colours of their wings symmetrical.

Lucy Warren loved following rules to make a pattern in problem solving.

Daniel loved drawing 3D pictures to go with his instructions on how to make a pulley.


We are all excited to be starting using Class Dojo again!:)
We have learned about parts of a circle and mathematical Pi. Also we learned about perimeters and challenged ourselves to apply our learning to some real life situations.
We learned french greeting and revised previous learning.
On Thursday we were given the chance to share our ideas about the school in Kids Talk.
We started our new topic- Holidays around the world.
In literacy we were learning to use more sophisticated connectives.
In health we are shared our current knowledge of drugs and alcohol and are looking forward to PC Cochrane visiting soon. We made spinners in animation that were cool. Have a great holiday weekend!

P7a and P7b 21.04.17

We cannot quite believe that this is our final term at Williamston Primary School! It is almost time for high school already!

We completed a big maths beat that challenge in maths to put our mental agility to the test.
We have also been learning more about the different parts of a circle. In addition to this we have worked hard on using a compass this week to draw circles. We explored tricky circle patterns and created our own patterns too.

Limefield were the winners this week! Well done. Limefield were also the winning house overall from last term and they had their house prize this week. They took part in a bunny drive, got some free time in the playground and got some mini eggs to eat too!

We took part in The Easter Code which involved cracking a special code. We had to find 5 words beginning with ‘s’ to help us. We learned more about the Easter story by taking part in different activities. Please ask us more about it!

This Thursday we had our first week of outdoor PE where we were out on the field developing our hockey skills. We played different games to help us feel more confident with controlling and dribbling the ball and shooting at a target.

Some of us helped with gardening on the field and we were even visited by a local cat who was interested in what we were up to!

It was an excitable morning in P7 today as our P7 leavers party invites were delivered. Harry Potter music was played across the tannoy and some owls delivered our invites through the windows.

Our PE days will now be a Monday and a Thursday.

Bon weekend from P7, Miss Brown and Mrs Fraser

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