Category Archives: P3

Comic Relief

Primary 4 would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who helped the school raise money for Comic Relief. Primary 4’s Comic Relief project The school has managed to raise over £1010 and we are still counting! The government has promised to double any money raised by schools so that means it will become more than £2000.

As well as red noses, Primary 4 sold loom bands and funny faces Hama Beads which we made ourselves. In addition to this there was a whole school competition to design Mr Taylor’s face for the day, won by Zoe from P3b (see photo). Everyone in the school dressed up on the day coming in with their funny faces.

There were some great acts in our talent show competition. The runners up were Holly, Rachel and Evie from P4a and the winners were Marek and Adam, from P6.

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Primary 3 learn about number from the past

In maths topic this week, we have been exploring different number systems from the past.  We looked at Greek, Babylonian, Arabic, Egyptian and Mayan numbers.  We then used these number systems to design our own everyday items including watches, clocks, calculators and remote controls.  The children had great fun using the symbols and shapes to represent numbers.

Primary 3 Celtic Roundhouses

In Primary 3 we have been looking at The Celts  as part of our Romans topic.  We have been learning about how they lived, the types of houses they lived in and the blue body paint Celtic warriors used to make themselves look fearsome – the swirlier the better!

We have begun to create our very own models of Celtic roundhouses.  In pairs, we have been exploring the best materials to build our models with and our problem solving skills have been put to the test.

Stay tuned for our final masterpieces!


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What’s happening in Primary 3

For the past couple of weeks we have been very lucky to have had a Tennis Coach in for our PE lessons on a Tuesday.  Iain has been playing some super fun games with us and we have been learning some fantastic new skills.


We have just begun our new topic on The Romans.  We have come up with some wonderful questions we would like to be answered during our topic and some fantastic ideas for activities that will help us learn.  We have started looking at Timelines and will also be learning to extract key information from non-fiction sources and make notes in our own words.  This will help us with a Roman research task where we will be creating our own Roman factfile.


In Maths we are continuing to learn about giving and following directions and are developing our use of Maths vocabulary.


In RME, we are exploring Christian Bible stories and the values that they teach.  We started with Joseph and his Brothers and learned about forgiveness and jealousy.


We recently spent time with Mrs Black and Mr Taylor to develop a new action plan for our classes.  We will be working with our teachers to implement our ideas and meet our class targets for learning.


Enjoy your holiday weekend!

Primary 3a Outdoor Maths

Primary 3a braved the cold this morning and went outside for a maths lesson!  The playground was out-of-bounds due to the ice, but luckily the field was safe.  We are learning about Position and Movement in Maths Topic, and today we were giving and following directions around the field with a partner, using turns and forward steps (and backwards ones sometimes!).  We were very happy to have the extra space outside for this task, and the fresh air helped to keep our brains active for a Monday morning.


The SSPCA (Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) have been in to see all our classes this week. They have been able to tell us about all the good work they carry out and what to do if we come across injured animals. We carried out a variety of actiities with them to learn and they were also able to answer many of the hundreds of questions that the children had for them.

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Primary 3a Calendars

Primary 3a have been getting messy this week making some beautiful calendars to take home to family and friends. We used our fingers to create our “Four seasons tree”, concentrating on what a tree looks like during each season. The children are looking forward to giving these as gifts to someone special at home.