All posts by Ms Watt

P5a Museum on the Mound Trip

Primary 5a had a fantastic trip to the Museum on the Mound in Edinburgh last week where we learnt about the security features on notes and how anything could be used as money as long as its value had been agreed. We also learnt about the history of coins and how they were made. We even got to see Roman coins and the first Scottish coins ever used. During our visit we got to strike our very own coin and take it home.  We also learnt that next year there will be a new pound coin brought into circulation and we got to see what it will look like, so keep you’re eyes peeled for its appearance.

We hope Primary 5b have as great a time as we did on this trip today.

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Primary 5b’s Busy Day!

Primary 5b have had an extremely busy day today!

First we visited Tesco this morning to learn about sustainability. When we arrived we discussed what sustainability is and looked at the things we need in order to live. Then we looked at logos that represent companies, in particular Scottish food and drinks logos.

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After our break we were split into 2 groups to go onto the shop floor. One group went to look at the fruit and where it comes from. We found a few that came from South America and we were allowed to taste them. We all had different opinions of what we did and didn’t like!

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The other group went to find products that come from Scotland before being shown round the back of the shop floor. We even visited the freezer and chiller sections!!

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We swapped over so we all saw and did them same things.

After lunch we had drumming practice where we had to learn all the rhythms and parts we need to play in order to be the world record for drumming in June at Livingston Football Stadium.

We have had great today fun today and have learnt so much but we are exhausted!!!


Health Leadership – Lots of Socks Day


Williamston Primary School have raised £172.00 for Down’s Syndrome Scotland by taking part in Lots of Socks Day.

The Health Leadership Group would like to thank everyone who took part in the fundraising day on Monday 21st March. We hope we have helped raise awareness of Down’s Syndrome while encouraging everyone to treat each other with respect and equality.

The money we have raised for Down’s Syndrome Scotland will help provide information, support and groups for children and families affected by Down’s Syndrome.


P5 Scots Poetry Competition

Congratulations to all the children in Primary 5 who have worked extremely hard to learn their Scots poem. You all did an amazing job.

A special congratulations and well done to our finalists – Kiera McElwee, Cameron Brydon & Evie Clarke (P5a) Jessica Heeps, Callum Telford & Libby Young (P5b). You all recited your poems tremendously well and gave our expert judges a hard decision.



Primay 5 Scots Poetry winners were –

In joint second place were Kiera McElwee & Cameron Brydon

In first place was Jessica Heeps.

Well done to all three of you.


Museum On the Mound

Primary 5b had a fantastic time at the Museum on the Mound in Edinburgh today,  where we learnt a lot more about money.

We travelled to Edinburgh on the train from Livingston South and even survived the walk to and from the station through the wind and rain!!

We all completed 3 workshops about money – What is Money?, Making Notes and Heads & Tails. We learnt about all different types of currencies throughout the world like coco beans, shells and even tea leaves. We looked at coins and how they all have a heads and tails side with particular pictures on them. We also got to make our own coins! Lastly we learnt about notes and created our own paying particular attention to the security measures.

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