All posts by Mrs Carral

P6 Literacy: ‘Reverso Boy’

P6 enjoyed creating some newspaper reports about ‘Reverso Boy’…a fictional story about a boy who literally defies gravity! Taking inspiration from a short film, we had to observe and report the events that took place in a front page news article! We developed our note-taking skills by observing, listening and analysing.

Who is Roy G. Biv?

Primary 1 created lovely portraits of the magical elf Roy G.Biv…who is he? Well you will have to ask one of the Primary 1 children! We made our portraits with oil pastels…a medium that we are now getting very good at using! Our cutting skills were also developed to create Roy’s colourful hair…I wonder why it’s so brightly coloured?!

P5 take art outdoors

During art today, P5b took learning outdoors and combined textiles with natural materials, found outside. Weaving the coloured wool around some dried sticks and branches, we learned some weaving techniques. We enjoyed taking art outdoors and although sometimes it was tricky, for many of us it was a relaxing activity that challenged us in many ways! It’s amazing how you can create some vibrant, interesting art from the simplest materials! Some of us took them home today to hang somewhere nice…some of us even liked the idea of using it as a ‘good luck charm’!

P6 ‘explore’ Europe!

P6 have been enjoying our new Europe topic! We are currently in the process of planning and writing our own ‘TV travel show’ in groups! Through the use of ICT we aim to produce an exciting show that teaches our friends about different countries in Europe! Many of us worked very hard on our homework research for our country and made some wonderful contributions to the task.
We would also like to say a huge ‘well done’ to Sean, Edan, Yasmin, Gregg and our ‘stand by’ Adam T for their dedication and hard work with preparations for the Euroquiz. We came 7th out of 19 schools from West Lothian!
In maths, we will be learning more about ‘division’, ‘time’ and ‘area and perimeter’ in the coming weeks. Of course, it goes without saying, that we should be practising our times tables every night as this is so important in ensuring we can move on with our number work and progress with our dividing and fractions! Well done to those of you who are practising; it most certainly shows during your maths activities!

P1 explore colour and line


Primary 1 explored line, colour and movement in art this week. We focussed on creating lots of different lines, ‘zig-zag’, ‘wavy’, ‘bouncy’ and many more! We had lots of fun using the lines to create movement and smudging chalk for colour in our rockets and cars artwork!

P6 Complete WW1 Trenches



P6 completed their WW1 ‘shoebox trenches’ with great success! The results were fantastic and the process even more fun! Our technology skills were most definitely explored as we solved problems, constructed and worked collaboratively to create our trenches. We are very proud of them! We will continue to learn more about WW1 throughout the rest of the year; so far, learning about trench life has been very interesting and engaging!

Primary 6 Winter Art

We explored paint techniques this week and created a winter art piece. We imagined we were lying on the ground, below the trees looking up to the bright full moon! The process was great fun and we learned more about perspective and different ways to use a paintbrush, from the bold expressive blue and purple skies to the delicate silhouette branches of the trees.

P5/6 Art After School Club

The Thursday art after school club have enjoyed looking at the work of Chuck Close. He uses his hands to create large paintings! We used only our fingers and cotton buds to create the portrait with the black paint, then used vibrant oil pastels for the background. We loved the results and also learned how to draw a face using the correct proportions! So, it just goes to show that you dont’ always need to think ‘paintbrush’ when you get the paints out!

P7 Art

Primary 7 have been exploring the artist Hokusai and looking at his work ‘The Great Wave’ with Miss Notman. We were interested to look at the techniques he used to create dramatic waves and explored these in our own Hokusai inspired waves! We used a pencil to explore line and create the composition, then we we were left to be as expressive and dramatic as we could with the paint! We used contrasting colours to add defintion and drama! The results were wonderful and we have become even more confident with painting and taking risks to explore colour and paint techniques!