All posts by Miss McMillan

Road Safety Week in P4

In P4, we have been learning more about keeping safe around roads as part of Road Safety Week. We have watched and discussed several videos  and we have shown our knowledge and understanding by taking part in quizzes. A focus for our year group has been “peer pressure” and learning to act responsibly near roads and vehicles, even when your friends/peers may be encouraging you to do otherwise. We worked in groups to dramatise different situations that made us think about what to do and say to keep ourselves safe. Remember – Drive Less, Live More!

St Andrew’s Day in P4

100_8092Happy St Andrew’s Day! In P4 we have been learning about Scotland’s patron saint – St Andrew – and also about how people celebrate St Andrew’s Day on the 30th November. We gathered information from a variety of sources including a PowerPoint presentation, some films and a quiz. We learned lots of information which we then used to make our own quiz questions and leaflets. This will help us in preparation for our new Scotland topic which will start in January. Our leaflets look great! Can you find any examples of leaflets at home? Please bring them in to share with the class.

P4’s Measuring Fun!

In Primary 4, we have been having fun measuring the volume and capacity of a variety of containers using cups and spoons, and litres and millilitres. We even made our own containers and had a competition to see whose container could hold the most lentils. Have you been measuring at home for any reason? What did you measure and why? Post your replies below…

Book Week in P4

In P4 we enjoyed Book Week with a variety of activities. We finished reading Charlotte’s Web and used our imagination to write a sequel to the story. We took part in the silent reading session (shhhh!) and the fantastic book quiz organised by the Library After-School Club. We listened attentively to the three books read over the tannoy by members of staff and we will vote for our favourite book soon. But the highlight of the week had to be our paired reading and activity session with our P1 friends. We absolutely LOVED choosing a book to share with a P1 pupil and we made sure we were well prepared as we practised reading it with expression and though of questions to ask. We were all very responsible during the reading session and helped our new P1 friend to complete the activity. Keep up the reading!

What was your favourite book that was read on the tannoy and why??? Post your answers below….

P4 #PrayforParis

Primary 4 have been thinking about the people of Paris this week. We have watched and discussed some Newround video clips. We have been thinking about what we would like to say to the children of Paris. Some of our messages include: We are always there for you. Keep going, never give up. Keep calm, everything will be OK. You shouldn’t have to go through this. Don’t be worried and don’t be scared. Be brave and stay safe.

Book Project – P4 and P6

Primary 4 pupils have been working with their friends in Primary 6 to jointly write a story book called “Zero to Hero” with the theme of Growth Mindset. The author Mary Turner Thomson is supporting the children in the creative writing process. We are all looking forward to seeing the final book and becoming published authors! The book will be on sale to the school community in the near future. Watch this space!

Playground Leadership in P4

100_7977In P4, we have enjoyed our Outdoor P.E. topic of “Playground Games and Playground Leadership”. We worked in teams to invent and name new playground game. We also had to identify the aim of the game, the rules and any safety issues. Then came the hard part – we had to teach it to our classmates! We found it was sometimes tricky to make sure they were all paying attention! We had lots of fun playing the games and we developed skills in areas such as teamwork and cooperation, presenting to an audience and creativity. (We will continue to have Outdoor P.E. this term, so we will need to continue to bring our outdoor P.E. kits, including trainers, to school each week.)

P4 Poetry

We have been writing lots of poems in P4 over the last month or so. Topics have included: Water, Remembrance Day and Fireworks. We have used lots of “Wow” words and onomatopoeic words to help describe different aspects in our poems.