All posts by Miss McMillan

P4 French

P4 are very lucky to be having the expert help of Mrs Kasparek to learn French this term. We have been taking part in a variety of fun games and activities to understand and use French vocabulary. Merci, Mrs Kasparek!

Special Arrival in P4!

In P4, we were delighted to welcome some special arrivals recently – baby trout! We are doing a project with Forth Fisheries where we are raising trout fish from alevins to fry. We have got a special tank for them and our main job is to make sure that the water is the correct cool temperature by using bottles of ice. We change the bottles of ice twice a day to make sure the temperature doesn’t get too high. We will be releasing them into the local waterways when they  have all turned into fry.We are enjoying watching them change and grow – science in action before our very eyes!

P4 Scottish Wildlife Technology Homework Project

Wow! What talented model-builders we have in P4! We have been so impressed by the high standard of Scottish wildlife models that were made at home as part of a home-learning task recently. We demonstrated our creativity and problem-solving skills by using a wide range of materials to build models of lots of different types of animal. We also had to research our chosen animal and find out facts about it. Over the next couple of weeks we will be presenting the model and information to our classmates. Thanks to all at home who helped with this project.

Scottish Cooking and Baking in P4

In P4, we have been having great fun learning about, making and tasting Scottish foods. The first food we made together was a (child-friendly) cranachan – we used oats, yoghurt, raspberries and honey. We also baked shortbread for our Burns Party. Both were delicious! Well most of us thought so anyway! We are doing all of this through our food technology lessons with Mrs Logan. We are learning to prepare food and use equipment in a hygienic and safe way. We use our reading skills as we read the recipe and we use our maths skills as we measure the ingredients. We have to cooperate with our friends and work as a team. We can’t wait to find out what we are making next!

P4 Burns Party

The P4 Burns Party was a great success! We enjoyed our Scotch broth and haggis, neeps and tatties, specially prepared for us – thank you to the school kitchen. Thank you also to the parents who helped us bring in a Scottish themed packed lunch. And the shortbread we made was delicious!

We all wore something tartan or Scottish. The actual party was a showcase of P4 talent – with poem recitals, songs, highland dancing and even a band playing! The speeches and toasts were really funny! We ended the afternoon with some ceilidh dancing and with singing “Auld Lang Syne”. It was a wonderful way to celebrate Robert Burns and our Scottish culture and heritage.

P4 learn more about Scottish Foods and Brands

100_8191In P4 we were delighted to welcome Tracey from Tesco who gave a very informative talk on Scottish foods and brands. We learned more about foods that are grown and made in Scotland. We could recognise a lot of Scottish brands from their logos. It was also interesting to hear about how the Tesco company actually works and we had lots of questions. We are looking forward to our trip to Tesco in April, where we will be learning more about Scottish produce. Thanks to Tracey and Tesco!

P4 Scientists investigate – Which solids are dissolve in water?

In P4, we have been investigating solids that dissolve in water. We first made predictions about which solids we thought would dissolve in water and then investigated this to find out if we were correct. We carried out a controlled experiment – taking care to keep the amount and temperature of water, amount of solid and time stirring the same. We found out that some solids were soluble (like salt and sugar) and some were insoluble (like sand). And we had great fun too!