All posts by Miss McMillan

P4 do Rabbie Burns Play-in-a-Day!

In P4 we were lucky enough to take part in a drama workshop day with Stacey and Cameron from One Day Creative. The title was Rabbie Burns, A Play-in-a-Day – and it was all about the life and works of Scotland’s National Poet, Robert Burns. Luckily we had already learned quite a bit about him and his poetry and songs, so we had lots of information to share. We all had a part to play in the show and we worked really hard to learn our lines and say them with expression. Remembering all the actions and directions wasn’t easy! We discovered there are lots of talented actors and actresses  in P4! The highlight of the day was performing the play to an audience of other pupils and teachers. It was an amazing experience!

Tree Diagrams in P4

In P4 we are continuing with our Information Handling topic and had fun sorting and displaying information in tree diagrams. We did a few class examples which included questions about foods that we like and pets. We then had the chance to work in groups to make our own tree diagrams and survey our classmates.

P4b Achievement Awards

100_1919We nominated our classmates for their achievements in a secret vote. Well done to all children who received an Achievement Award!

Connor – For becoming more confident in the class and school.

Jessica – For excellent effort in all areas of the curriculum.

Ryan – For being a great, funny friend who always lets others join in games.

Darcy – For being kind to others and helping people with their work.

Corin – For being a very special friend.


Our sessions with Mrs Poynter for the NYCOS Bronze Musicianship have now finished. We had 12 sessions in total and we learned lots about rhythm, musical notation and singing. We even started to write our own music! And of course, we enjoyed all the fun games. Thank you Mrs Poynter!