All posts by Miss McMillan

Special Visit to WPS!

Representatives from Education Scotland and The British Council and a group of education delegates from the Maharastra state, India, recently visited WPS to learn about our Global Citizenship curriculum and our links with our partner school in Mumbai. Pupils and staff were delighted to showcase our learning in this area and the visitors were given a taste of our international projects, Scottish culture and education in Scotland in general. They went on a tour of the school, were given presentations by the International Group and P5 (on their previous book project), visited many classes and attended the Equality assembly. The visitors were also treated to a selection of Scottish foods in the staffroom at playtime. They were delighted with the presents and cards made by each class. Thank you to all who made the visit such a success!



P4 Scottish Poetry Finalists

Well done to all P4 pupils who learned a Scottish Poem! (And thank you to parents who helped us learn them!) We performed the poems in class and gave each other feedback on our strengths and next steps. It was really hard to choose the finalists from so many talented performances. Chloe, Hannah and Sophie from P4b and Aimee, Caitlin and Ayanna from P4a went through to the school competition and all performed very well on the stage. Congratulations to Sophie and Caitlin who came joint Third, Ayanna who came Second and Chloe who came First.


SSPCA visit to P4

In P4, we were delighted to receive a visit from the SSPCA to help us learn about the work of the organisation and Scottish wildlife. We enjoyed the presentation and video, then had fun playing a game with a partner to learn some facts about different animals and birds. This visit will really help us with learning about living things in Scotland. Thank you SSPCA!