Tag Archives: #primary5areawesome

Primary 5 the last couple of weeks…

It has been very, very busy in Primary 5 over the last two weeks!!

We have been really busy getting all our Literacy work done – we have been practicing our ‘s, ss, c, ce, se,’ sounds AND our ‘j, g, dge’ sounds. Everyone has been putting in so much effort with their spelling work, very well done Primary 5! We have also started our new writing genre; procedural writing and, through this we have been designing and creating our own Board Games. Some of the ideas have been excellent.

We have finished off our Time topic in Numeracy. We learned the difference between the 12 and 24 hour clock, how to convert duration of time using seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. Again, everyone has worked so well on this topic, massive well done!!

We have completed our John Muir award and are awaiting our certificates. We have been spending Wednesday afternoons in the woods completing different challenges such as natural art work, den building, litter picking and discovering different leafs to recognise a variety of trees.

We are visiting Stirling Castle on May 13th and this week were researching, learning and discovering different facts about the castle. We completed a timeline of all the important dates relating to the history of the castle.

Everyone has worked really hard and deserves their holidays. Enjoy and I will see you all on Wednesday!

Primary 5’s busy week


What a week we have had in Primary 5! We have had such a busy week with all our fun ‘Lent’ activities with ‘Cake & Candy’ on Monday, ‘Funfair’ on Tuesday, ‘Bingo’ on Wednesday and our amazing ‘St Marys Got Talent’ show today! On Wednesday, St Marys Gymnastics team also had a competition and three of our girls from Primary 5 took part.

We have had so many children in our class rehearsing for the talent show over the last few weeks and everyone from Primary 5 that took part, was amazing!!

We had The Karen Show, The Comedy Show and a poem called ‘Monday Blues’ written by Connor in our class.

At the Funfair on Tuesday, Michael guessed the correct birthday of the chick and won!!

And today at the talent show, Connor won the P4-P7 category with his own poem!

Also, at the gymnastics competition St Mary’s came first with Victoria, Kornelia and Zofia all getting medals and, Victoria getting a second medal for her individual performance.

Massive well done to everyone! Enjoy the holidays and I’ll see you all in a couple of week!

Mrs Wotherspoon 🙂

Primary 5

Primary 5 have had such a busy week this week, and everyone has done so so well!

We started our week with Outdoor Learning up in the woods where we were exploring habitats and built dens for tiny creatures (or creepy crawlies!) The class participated so well in pairs to complete this activity – great communication and teamwork from everyone!

Then on Monday afternoon we headed to Xcite in Whitburn for our swimming assessment! Everyone had loads of fun; the children were excellent, especially at getting showered and organised so we didn’t miss the bus back to school!

We have had a very busy time rehearsing for the St Mary’s Got Talent show next Thursday, with P5 having their additions yesterday! Our 3 groups have been voted for and we can’t wait to see them perform again at the show next week!

In Numeracy, we have been learning our Roman Numerals which led to a really exciting conversation about the different places we might find them! In Literacy, big well done because everyone did so well this morning on their spelling test. Two reading groups finished their books this week too so we’ll be starting new ones just before our Easter Holidays! 4 more school days then it is our holidays, you can do this Primary 5!!!

Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend!!

Welcome back P5!!

Our holidays feel like a long time ago as we have been so busy and active in Primary 5!!

Firstly this week, we started off by catching up after our holidays and talking about New Year’s resolutions. We spoke about what we are all excited for in 2024. There were some lovely conversations about holidays, birthdays and, starting new clubs and sports!

We have started our new topic in numeracy this week which is division and, we have learned strategies to help us with this using concrete materials. We have been dividing by 6, 7 and 9.

In literacy, our reading groups started their new books this week. We have been talking about characters, settings, clarifying and researching words that we don’t understand and summarising chapters after we have read them.

We also started our new topic, ‘Weather’ and made posters in our working groups to display this in our class. Everyone worked really well on these and the designs have really brightened up one of our walls. The posters were to show what we already know about weather and what we would like to learn about our topic.

And finally, we have continued with our BSL (British Sign Language) topic and are still doing really well with it. We had a refresh of the alphabet and then learnt how to say some animals. We had lots of fun with the animal signs.

Very well done on your first week back in 2024 P5!! Keep up the good work and have a great weekend 🙂

Primary 5’s visit to Broomlee Camp

This week Primary 5 had the very exciting experience of going to Broomlee Camp for two days and one night! Everyone had so much fun and did so well with all of the challenges & activities.

There will be lots more photos uploaded onto the children’s Digital Profiles for special adults to have a look at.

Whilst we were away, the children that didn’t attend camp had lots of fun with Mr Henderson. The children got to play Ukulele’s, play poison dodgeball and create amazing Halloween art using oil pastels.

Have a good rest this weekend everyone, you deserve it after all the activities!

Mrs Wotherspoon

Primary 5’s speedy, super week!

Wow what a busy 3 days we have had in Primary 5 this week!

We’ve been really busy practising our sounds ‘ey’ and ‘ai’, and we spent some time using our magnetic boards too.

In numeracy we finished off our Place Value topic this week and next week, we’ll be starting Addition and Subtraction. We had a wee quiz to finish off our topics and some of our class became our teachers to help us.

Primary 5 then taught Mrs Wotherspoon something new when we played our first Blooket on Thursday about our class topic, Mary Queen of Scots! It was very loud in our classroom when the quiz was happening, especially since we used ‘Gold Quest’ mode!!

We also spent some time outside in the sunshine with P1S and it was lovely to see all our little friends, and help them with the bikes and scooters!

And finally, we finished off our Friday with some Handball practice for the Handball Festival that we are going to a week on Monday – October 2nd!

A big well done on another fab week Primary 5!! Have a great weekend!!!

Primary 5 – oh how busy we’ve been…

Hi everyone!!!

What a busy, busy time we have had in Primary 5 since returning after our summer holidays 😀

We’ve been settling into our new routine and all the new work that we will be completing! We’ve moved up from working at ‘First Level’ and are now working at ‘Second Level.’ Everyone should be so proud of themselves for all the hard work and effort they have been putting into all our activities!

Miss Fox was back in our class for a couple of weeks whilst Mrs Wotherspoon was off and it was lovely to have her back! She’s now off on maternity leave and hopefully, we’ll get a visit from her and the twins once they’ve arrived.

In class we have been working on lots of different literacy activities including writing, spelling and grammar. In numeracy we have been focussing on place value. We played some outdoor games in the sunshine practising rounding numbers. Soon we will be moving on to addition and subtraction.

Our class topic is ‘Mary, Queen of Scots’ and we have all really enjoyed this so far! We have been up to the woods with Mrs Hudson-Price, Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Watson for outdoor learning and, on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons we have been enjoying spending time in the outdoor classroom exploring the mud kitchen and playing foos-ball.

We have also started two new languages in class, Spanish which we are going to be focussing on until the October holidays and on Thursday, we started sign-language. We are learning the alphabet first then we’ll be moving onto greetings.

Homework will start Monday 25th of September after the September weekend and short 3 day week back. We all have new Teams log-in details and have access to this too!

Massive well done to everyone for all their hard work and enthusiasm so far, you are all doing fantastic and are such superstars!! Big well done P5!! Enjoy your September weekend, can’t wait to hear all about it next week!

This week in Primary 5

It has been a very busy, sunny week in P5!

We’ve nearly finished our Time topic in numeracy and the children have all done really well completing this.

In grammar, this week we were focussing on Time Connectives to help us with our writing topic of Exposition. We practiced these by completing an activity on our desks in small groups.

We were using different active methods to practice our spelling word this week and had the choice of scrabble tiles, foam letters or partner testing!

We ended our week with Sharing Our Learning focussing on Friendship, Trust and Communication. Thank you so much for all who participated, it was a great morning and the class loved it.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend in the sunshine!

Health Week in Primary 5

Well, what a busy week we’ve all had and it has been fantastic! A Big thank you to all the organisations that have participated and our Health & Wellbeing team for organising such a great, fun filled week 🙂

Our week started with Handball, Judo and a visit to Polbeth Bowling Club.  The sunshine was lovely and the walk from school to the bowling club was a lovely rest in between activities.

We then started our afternoon on the Smoothie Bike; we worked in groups, prepped our fruit and had to cycle to blend all the ingredients together. It was then time to watch the P6/P7’s vs The Teachers at Netball.

Wednesday morning started with PE with Mrs McMaster before going out to the back playground to plant trees. The team work P5 showed when completing this activity was amazing! Then we had sports with Mr Boles and he introduced us to two new games that we’re going to keep playing – Jedi Dodgeball and Pirate Ships!

Since Sports Day has been postponed due to the weather we spent out rainy Wednesday afternoon designing and creating Shrek props for the summer show.

Thursday was another very busy day with a Vital team workout, Martial Arts and SMK Dance. It was a very tiring morning!

And our Thursday finished with a lovely class talk with Nicole Lind, who plays football for Linlithgow Rose. The children were very respectful, asked great questions and showed so much interest in what she was telling everyone. Some children even got to try on her kits and play with her ‘red and yellow’ cards.

Today was our last day of Health Week so we started it off with healthy fruit kebabs for our breakfast! We had mango, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, grapes, melon, watermelon, plums and kiwis. Everyone was challenged to try a new fruit they hadn’t had before and so many of the children tried – big well done!


We then finished off our morning with some First Aid training.

What a great week and massive well done to all of the children trying new activities!! You have all done so well and deserve a lovely, chilled weekend!

See you all on Monday!

The first week of May in P5

It was short but very busy week in P5 this week!

We all caught up after our long weekend, sharing tells of the adventures we had been on and listening to each others stories.

We continued with our reading, spelling and numeracy work. We also started a science experiment with lemon seeds to see if we can make them grow.

With this week being the first week of May, we also learned about Our Lady, Mary and ways we can celebrate her throughout the month. Primary 5 will be conducting the school Mass on Thursday 18th of May and have already been practicing in preparation for it.

The most exciting part of our week was going swimming at Excite in Whitburn. The children were in the water for 45 minutes and had lots of fun being either sharks or dolphins! They all did very well, put in lots of effort and were very encouraging towards one another.

I hope everyone enjoys their Bank Holiday this weekend and I’ll see you all on Tuesday morning!