Tag Archives: Literacy


Primary 4 had a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day!  What a brilliant day!  Some photos of us in action…

HAPPY WORLD BOOK DAY – Keep reading!



On Friday, we enjoyed having our parents and carers in class to share our learning.  Following our activities on World Book Day yesterday, we decided to do some reading with our parents today.  So, we brought in our favourite books from home and enjoyed reading with our parents.  We then completed a book review detailing our thoughts on the book (or chapter) that we read.  We then designed posters for our class library and chose some book related activities.

Bonnie – I designed a character from my favourite book and my dad helped me.

Jessica – I read a chapter from my Harry Potter book and did my book review.

Hudson – I sat in the library with my mum and we read three books!  I loved it and I love reading!

Bella – I like brining my favourite book from home but I only read a chapter as it had loads of pages.  I’ve got loads of books at home and I liked reading with my mum.

Stella – I liked reading then doing my book review.  I gave my book 5 stars because it’s so good.

Jacob – After reading, I designed a character costume.

Damon – I loved reading “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” with my mum and it’s my favourite book because it’s so funny.

Jaxon – I liked when my mum came in and we read my story together.

Ellie – I did a reading word-search with my sister and found all the words.  I read a chapter of my book to Jodie.

Karlie – I brought in my favourite Harry Potter book.  It’s so special and the pictures in it are so pretty and it makes me want to read it even more.

THANK YOU very much to all the parents and carers for coming along on Friday.  Your support is always much appreciated and it’s fantastic for all of  the children to share their learning with you.

Reading in Primary 3

Reading at home

In the mornings, we enjoy choosing a book to read at our desks.  It is a lovely soft start to our day and we all enjoy having some quiet time to read for enjoyment in class.

Bella – Reading is really nice and it makes you calm.

Alexander – I love reading.  I love reading in school.

Jacob – I love “Where’s Wally?”

Damon – I love reading “Minecraft”.

Bonnie – I like to read information books to find out new things,

Annalee – I love reading  “Matilda”.

Stella – it’s fun to read in class and it is nice and quiet.

Peter – I like reading and the pictures too.

Luke – There’s lots of them (books) to choose from.

World Book Day fun in Primary 3!

Supporting World Book Day

What a day!  Great fun was had by all in P3.  We started our day by coming to school in our pyjamas – we could get used to this!

We did a reading doodle activity before putting our detective skills into action and setting off on a Where’s Wally picture hunt!  Back in class we were joined by P4 and we all took part in a live World Book Day football quiz.  Lots of schools across the country were taking part in this and we had to answer a series of questions from famous footballers.

Throughout the day we have done some paired reading, reading crosswords and word searches,  designed book covers and took part in authors live (Scottish Book Trust) We watched and listened to Catherine Rayner who shared her picture book “Arlo: The Lion Who Couldn’t Sleep“, a beautiful story about finding peace and calm.  Catherine also gave us a sneak peek at her sketchbook, and showed us step by step how to draw Arlo the lion. We had our pencils and paper at the ready!

In the afternoon we enjoyed Paired Reading with Primary 6 and we all enjoyed this and asked to do it again soon.  Lots of us in Primary 3 brought in a book from home for the whole school book swap which will take place next week.

We will be bringing home a £1 book token home today which is valid to use until the end of March.

We love World Book Day!

Bella – It’s been a fun day and I liked doing the football quiz.

Cody – I am going to get a new book with my book token.

Stella – I liked coming to school in my pyjamas and getting a token.

Peter – I liked drawing the lion. (From Authors Live)

Alexander – I liked drawing a potato character.

Jessica – I liked doing the word search.  I found them all.

Iza – I found all the Where’s Wally pictures apart from number 8.

Kiera – It was fun when P6 came in and I read a book with Bailie.

Rocco – I liked Paired Reading and I read with Cora-Linn.

Jaxon – I liked the football quiz and Where’s Wally.

Luke – I love World Book Day!



P3 – Scots Poetry Competition

60+ Scotland Golf Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art - iStock | Scotland golf course, St andrews scotland golf

A huge WELL DONE to all of our Primary 3 stars for practicing their poems at home this week!  We were blown away with how well you remembered the words and had confidence to say your poem to all your friends in class!  On Friday morning the whole school gathered in the hall for our annual Scots Poetry Competition.  Congratulations to the children in Primary 3 for sharing their Scots poem to the whole school.  We are so proud of you!

Primary 3 are sending lots of Valentine’s love to everyone!

Have a wonderful, happy, safe and fun February holiday!


Primary 3 – class novel, “Matilda”


Matilda by Roald Dahl | Martha Brook

In Primary 3, we have been listening to a wonderful book called “Matilda” written by Roald Dahl.   We have created large posters of the characters and this week we have been thinking of good adjectives to describe them.

Bella – Matilda is smart and extraordinary.

Bonnie – Matilda’s family are horrible and very greedy.  I like when Matilda scared her parents with the parrot when she stuck it up the chimney and they thought it was a ghost

Iza – Matilda is a clever girl.

Karlie – My favourite character is Matilda because she is a polite and nice girl and I think she is a bit of a genius.

Stella – My favourite character is Miss Honey because she is kind, caring, beatiful and she is so nice to Matilda.  She cares about Matilda unlike her parents.

Damon – I like Mrs Phelps because she is the first to know how smart Matilda is and she let Matilda read lots of amazing books.

Luke – I like Miss Honey and Matilda because they are both nice and intelligent.

Jacob – My favourite character is Mr Wormwood because he sells cars.

Annalee – My favourite part in the story is when Miss Honey finds out how clever Matilda is.

Jessica – Miss Trunchbull is definitely not a good Headteacher.  She is a bully and she hates children!


Primary 1 – Class Talks

C L A S S    T A L K S    –    M Y    F A V O U R I T E    F A I R Y T A L E

Well done to our next group of children who presented their Class Talks this week.  This term we are talking about our favourite fairytale.  This is an excellent opportunity to develop children’s talking and listening skills and we appreciate parent’s support with this task.

Ailsa – I liked making my poster.  I like Rumpelstiltskin.  I brought in the book too.

Lucy – I did a poster of Rapunzel and spoke about it.  Everyone liked it.

Charlotte – I liked talking and everyone listened,  I made a poster for it.