Tag Archives: #buildingforsuccess

Tay Class News (St. Mary’s Primary ERB)

Tay class did some process art inspired by photos, songs and videos of Autumn.  We explored the colours: mixing different colours both on the palette and on the paper.

We continued our ‘All about Me’  topic.  We watched and listened to songs about bones and created skeleton pictures with different types of pasta.  ‘Dem bones, dem bones dem dry bones…’.
We listened to the colour monster story and sorted some different pictures into groups: sad, happy or angry.

Rannoch News

A super sunny week has been enjoyed…With the good weather returning we have enjoyed time outside and had a fabulous time at the safari park. We saw lions, deer, lemurs, sea lions and many other animals.  We also enjoyed our time climbing and sliding on The Fort and played in the pirate’s sand pit too. We returned to school tired but happy after a lovely, lovely, day!

In addition to our literacy and numeracy learning, we have also enjoyed art this week and have learned how to draw a cartoon dinosaur!

We are looking forward to next week!

Rannoch News

We have had a lovely week in Rannoch… We have designed wonderful sparkly tropical fish for our Tropical Rainforest wall, and have also enjoyed painting fish too!

We have also worked hard on learning about 3D shapes and on the sound ‘ow’ in our RWInc. classes, along with practicising our pencil control and spelling of ‘og’, ‘ig’ and ‘at’ words.

We have also enjoyed sensory time and had fun with our friends in both Tay and Ness class.

We have also risen to a construction challenge to build a wee house using giant Lego and stickle bricks!

Rannoch News!

It has been a super week in Rannoch…We are making huge strides in our Literacy and are enjoying reading books in our Read, Write, Inc. sessions. We have also enjoyed singing along to Phonics songs and matching our sounds with pictures.

In our ‘Beyond Number’ studies we have been revising our knowledge of 2-D shapes…readying ourselves to move onto 3-D!

As the sun has come out this week we have also enjoyed time outside and are getting really good at balancing on the Trim Trail.

We have also learned more about the animals that live in the rainforests. In Art, in relation, we made glittery parrot models which we are going to put up in our rainforest corner.

Primary 5

That was a very quick week in Primary 5!

We had our Monday holiday which is our last day off school until the Summer Holidays in a few weeks.

This week we have been back to our usual routine of Numeracy, Literacy, PE, and IDL subjects as we didn’t have Health Week or Sports Day!

In Numeracy we have finished off our Money topic this week and everyone worked really well getting this completed. In Literacy we started some new books which were really interesting and practiced our c, k, ck, ch words!

Our Assembly has been rescheduled until June 17th and we hope to see lots of you there!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Rannoch News

This week we have been learning about ‘Patterns and Sequences’ in our ‘Beyond Number’ studies and have enjoyed creating our own patterns using our own choice of shapes and colours.

We have also begun working in our new Literacy groups and have really enjoyed a wide range of learning activities.

In our Topic Studies about the Tropical Rainforests we have learned  about the animals that live there and, in connection  with our ‘Beyond Number’ studies, we have designed snakes with our own pattern!!

Tomorrow we are going to choose our own ingredients to learn about what we like in our toasties…yum! We can choose from cheese, onion, red pepper, yellow pepper or green pepper, and mixed herbs, to find out what we like most!



Rannoch News

It has been an amazing, and very active, week in Rannoch!

We have made smoothies, played in the park, danced in the Hall, climbed on the Trim Trail, enjoyed Sensory Circuits and ridden scooters.

We have also drawn chalk pictures in the playground, learned about the animals of the Tropical Rainforests, painted exotic fruit, and kept a diary of our healthy eating this week! We have been very busy!!

Thank you to Mrs McMaster for arranging such a wonderful programme for Health Week for us to enjoy – We certainly did!