Rannoch News

It’s been a lovely week in Rannoch…We have learned about the parts of the body in our topic studies ‘All About Me’.

In our ‘Beyond Number’ studies we have been learning about coin values and are soon to move onto shape.

Our Phonics are also progressing – and this week we have focused on the ‘s’ and ‘i’ initial sounds.

We have also enjoyed time in the sun outside on the Trim Trail and playing in class with our friends.

Artist Study in P4

As part of our IDL topic of Europe we will look at some famous people from across Europe. This week we started with France and the famous painter Claude Monet. We learned he was born in Paris and was an artist from a young age. He is famous for his impressionist style and we started to study his techniques. We focused on watercolours and we learned 4 techniques which can be used with watercolour paint. Next week we will use those techniques to create a ‘Water Lillies’ picture just like Claude Monet.

Maths week in P4

To celebrate maths week we have been having some fun with numbers. We have enjoyed playing Sumdog and completing the challenges. We went on a litter pick and as we collected the litter we completed a tally mark sheet to record the different types of litter we found. We then added up each total to see which type of litter was the most common. It was great to see how maths can be used in practical every day situations and tasks.


P2 Update 20.9.24

It has been a short week but a busy one.  We continued to use the whole part model in mats to display our calculations and demonstrated how to complete the whole part model using the number line strategy.

We continued to learn about the kindness of Jesus by listening to the story of the loaves and fish.

Today, we thoroughly enjoyed our free writing session as we described adventures we’d had, places we were going, achievements we had accomplished and fantastic stories we had made up.  Thank you to Lucas who collected some photographs for us.

A big well done to Jax, Lucas, Jude and Joseph this week. Jax earned our Leader in Me award this week for working very hard each day to achieve his targets.  Lucas is our reader of the week after shouting out common words with ease in our daily practise.  Jude earned multiple awards at his Ninja class.  Joseph learned how to ride a bike all by himself and then rode it to school!  There’s no stopping P2!  Have a great weekend.

Gardening 🧑‍🌾 Club

Today in gardening club we got to use the secateurs. We listened to the safety rules as they are very sharp and strong. We then listened very carefully to how we prune the trees in our school garden. An excellent job completed and the trees are now under control.

We also weeded one of the large planters……weeding again 🤯 and this made us think of how quickly the weeds grow and why it is important to keep on top of them so our vegetables 🌽 and flowers can grow.

we even managed to harvest some.


Ness Update

Everyone in Ness has enjoyed coming back to class after our September break. Continuing our focus on Emotional Regulation, we have been learning about the Superhero inside of us- Superflex- who helps us overcome difficult situations. This theme has has informed our writing, with a focus on descriptions of superhero characters. In Maths, we are coming to the end of our Place Value topic- well done everyone for showing your understanding using our Maths working wall. Finally, our main IDL topic ‘Night and Day’ has been inspiring some amazing artwork from our pupils.

Rannoch News!

This week we have enjoyed a music session where we practiced keeping a regular beat and explored a range of musical instruments. We have also enjoyed time in the sun with lots of outdoor learning experiences. We have also practiced our fine motor skills in creating a Forest Scene display and learned more about day and night time activities in our Topic lessons.

A super week with lots of smiles and fun!

Primary 1

Wow what a quick week in Primary 1!
We made the most of the sunshine ☀️ and got outside for some story time and some literacy. With chalk we wrote our sounds and our names in the playground.

As we will be starting to use Seesaw at home we spent some time practicing how to logon, to find an activity, using the tools and clicking the ✅ to submit our work. We all did very well.

As Autumn 🍂 is beginning we have been taking about what the changes are in our environment that lets us know it is Autumn. During our outdoor learning session we collected fallen leaves and sticks. Back in class we very carefully separated all the leaves 🍁 and put them between paper to press them dry. We can’t wait to have a look at them in once they are dry and use them.

Have a lovely weekend!



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