Primary 2 update

What a busy few weeks we have had in P2.

Yesterday we enjoyed the Lenten funfair and took part in many of the activities. We particularly liked the throwing ones.

Today P1 joined us with some Easter art. We used different lines to create our rabbits and even gave them some glasses.

Lots of visitors and fun in P6 this week!

This week was a super busy one in P6! In numeracy we have been working on fractions and will soon see how they relate to decimals and percentages. Before that however we will learn about common denominators and continue to simplify.

In literacy we have started our new reading groups and have all received new books Over the coming weeks we will learn in more depth the roles of summarising, prediciting, clarifying and questioning.

We also made pancakes this week, which was great fun! They were delicious!

Finally we had some very special visitors in our class this week. On Friday we had Young Stem Leaders from St Kent’s who gave us a really interesting lesson on magnets and the expansion of the universe. Well done to Edward for sharing his learning with us and thank you to Mr Jack.

As well as this we also enjoyed having the guinea pigs in our classroom for three days. We learned how to clean out their cage, what to feed them and how to handle them. Biscuit and Muffin got lots of cuddles. All in all another brilliant week in P6!


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