Things are Growing in P7

This week we have been looking at the life cycle of plants and how a plant produces seeds.   We have been planting seeds of our own.  The ones that we planted out in the school garden before Easter have become dinner for little visitors to the garden, so undeterred, we are starting again.


We have planted cress indoors and letuce, radishes carrots and spring onions outdoors.  We have also been looking at how the plants produce seeds.  We have disected and pressed some flowers and examined each of the parts to learn how seeds are produced.

A great first week back in P1

Welcome back to all our P1 stars. We are delighted to see everyone back and ready to learn.  What a great first week we have had.
in maths we are learning to tell the time. We made our own paper plate clocks which we used to show different times. We really enjoyed playing time games on the interactive board and working with our talk partners to read o’clock and half past.

We made the most of the Spring sunny weather we had on Tuesday and spent some time in the afternoon at the park. We played on the seesaw, swings and climbing frames. Some of us had fun rolling down the hill.

We had a very exciting event happen in class. A dragon visited the class and left a glitter trail leading to a letter. The letter explained that his Fairyland had disappeared and there is nowhere for the Fairytale characters to live. He asked us to make a Fairyland in our classroom. We are really excited to help. We read Jack and the Beanstalk and decided to make a beanstalk in our classroom for Jack. We also drew and painted Jack, the giant and a cow to add to our display.

Rock for Camp


As part of their final term enterprise in collaboration with the Parent Council P7 would like to invite everyone from across the school and nursery to a live music event on Friday 28th April.  The doors will open at 6.30pm where there will be music, a raffle and slide coin at the bottle games for adults and children.  There will be some soft drinks and snack available to buy on the night but adults may BYOB.

The band Full Circlewill be performing at the school between 7-9pm.  Christopher Ferguson, our chair of the Parent oCuncil, has been a member of this covers and events band for many years and they have kindly donated their time to raise money for the Primary 7 school camp.  The parent council, for many years now,  have been raising money to ensure that every child who wants to go to camp can get this experience.

The Primary 7 children will be selling the tickets in school.  Numbers are limited so make sure you get your tickets now!

‘Make a Pound Grow’ with Primary 5

Primary 5 took on the challenge of ‘Making a Pound Grow’ as their Lenten Experience. After lots of planning in their groups, time designing posters, flyers and price-lists and, support from family and friends at home, they held their Bake Sale on Wednesday 29th of March.

The groups were: Fresh New, Grab’n’Go, Cake and Co, Sweetie Creators and LCNA. Each group were given £1 per person and Mrs Blair donated an extra £1 to each group. With their money, groups had to decide what to make and how much to sell their products for.

Fresh New were selling Easter cupcakes, tablet, crispy cakes and teacakes.

Grab’n’Go were selling s’mores and ice-poles.

Sweetie Creators were selling cookies and pancakes with chocolate sauce.

LCNA were selling toffee apples and chocolate apples.

Cake and Co were selling milk chocolate crispy cakes, white chocolate crispy cakes, cupcakes and rainbow jelly!

After an afternoon for hard work, I am very happy to announce that P5 raised £111.18 for SCIAF. I am so proud  of the hard work and effort all of the pupils in P5 put in to make their Bake Sale such a success. I am personally going to donate £8.82 to round up their donation money to SCIAF to £120.

Big well done P5! Go team!!

Easter fun in P2

This week we have had lots of fun. We loved the lovely weather on Monday and went to the park whilst it was sunny. We had a great time and enjoyed playing with our friends.

As part of our Lenten fundraiser we made Easter nests. We loved crumbling the Shredded Wheat and mixing the chocolate. We even managed not to eat the chocolate whilst mixing which was very tricky.

We also had 2 furry visitors from the nursery in our class later this week. We loved having Muffin and Biscuit in the classroom the were very good at giving cuddles and eating their food.

A big thank you to Cody’s Gran who was very kind and knitted us all a bunny with a hidden egg inside it. It was very kinds and  we wish we could knit like that.

Have a lovely holiday!



St Mary’s Careers Fair is a huge success!

St Mary’s held a whole-school Careers Fair on Weds 22nd March in the hall. More than 25 local employers came along to speak to all pupils – from the Nursery to P7,  about what they did to help our young people think about their interests and next steps.

We had representatives from the Police, Fire, The Army, NHS, professional athletes, Network Rail, beauty, West Calder and St Kent’s High Schools Careers, hypnotherapy, law, Glasgow Kelvin College, the News and more. See the link below for our budding reporters!

We were so grateful to all our wonderful guests who took time out of their busy schedules to talk to our young people. Feedback from our pupils and guests was overwhelmingly positive! Let’s hope we can make this a regular occurance!’


P1 Easter Craft Afternoon

To raise money for our Lenten Charity we decided we wanted to have an Easter Craft/ movie afternoon. This was a great success today. We made Pom Pom Easter Bunnies, Easter baskets which we filled with little chicks, we painted Easter eggs, made Easter cards, we made Spring pictures with stickers and foam shapes and we made scratch Easter pictures. We had fun being artistic and creative.


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