We will remember them… P6 lead a beautiful Remembrance assembly

Today P6 led the annual Remembrance Assembly and welcomed special guests from the armed services.

P6 have been learning about Remembrance including why we have a two-minute silence, who we are remembering, which special poems are shared at Remembrance, what Article 38 means for children and why we wear a poppy. Pupils all wore poppies they had made themselves and placed a beautiful hand-made wreath centre stage to mark the occasion. The class have been rehearsing every day for the last week  and did a wonderful job of sharing a reflective and thought-provoking assembly.

We were incredibly lucky to be joined by Lance Corporal and Private Mallaney from the Royal Logistics Corps who answered lots of interesting pupil questions and spoke about their experiences in the armed services. We were very grateful for them to give up their time to come in and we even got to try on some army equipment and uniforms at the end.

Well done Primary 6, you certainly gave us all an experience to remember.

Primary 5’s busy week!

Lots has happened in Primary 5 this week!

We have completed our numeracy assessments – we tried our very best with these as there was lots of questions. We had to use many different strategies to help complete the assessment but we did it!

Sentences was our grammar topic this week and we did really well with this activity too. We also started our new writing genre, information report, and did some investigations about firefighters which we all found really interesting!

We celebrated Saints Day at Mass and discussed this in our class together too.

Very well done on another great week Primary 5! I’m really proud of you all!!

Mrs Wotherspoon 🙂


P2 weekly update – 3.11.23

P2 have been doing a bit of work on their scissor skills this week.  We’ve sorted hot and cold items as a warm up activity in health and wellbeing.  We then visited Firefighter Fred’s Bonfire Safety workshop in preparation for the weekend.

We also created a fireworks collage using multicoloured cupcake cases.  It was a careful and delicate task but the results were fantastic.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Saunders

What a great week in primary 7!

We have made a great start in our new topic of World War 1, learning what sparked the beginning of the first world war. Ask us what happened in Sarajevo to ignite the chain of events that led to war in early August 1914? We will use our knowledge from this week to create a newspaper article explaining the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Watch this space for updates next week.

We have created some spooky sunset silhouette artwork this week with a focus on our blending skills with paint. We have updated our wall display in class with these amazing pieces.

Over all we have had a fantastically positive week this week with lots of hard work, kind actions, positive attitudes, exceptions engagement, great participating happening in the classroom. This is shown in our WOW board where a pupil who has went above and beyond is recognised and selects a WOW board square for the chance to win a special prize.

Keep up the good work Primary 7. Your teacher is very proud of all of you!

ICT in Primary 3

This term we have had a big focus on our use of IT to support our learning. Most of us are very confident in logging on and getting started independently.  We have been using our skills to search for information. We investigated the different jobs people did whilst living in a castle. Our favourite is the Gong Farmer. Ask us what he does. We have also got our sumdog logins working and we enjoyed completing numeracy tasks on the iPads and laptops.

A Happy Halloween From Primary 7

Halloween preparations began last week where primary 7 created their own Halloween art and even made their own Halloween raps to music.

On Friday we celebrated Halloween with pupils attending a Halloween party showcasing their costumes. It was a fun filled day consisting of dancing, party games, Halloween jokes, snacks and lots of laughs. The Halloween costumes were of a high standard and primary 7 enjoyed strutting their stuff at the party.  

It has been a busy time lately in primary 7 with lots going on. We are continuing our new writing topic of Information Reporting where we are looking at non-fiction texts, analysing information, conducting research and making sure we have the correct structure and layout to create our own information report.

In numeracy we have been completing our Maths assessment under exam conditions.

We are starting our new topic of World War 1 and look forward to learning more about this.  

Last week we started a project with 5 sisters zoo and had a representative from the zoo who will be leading the project visit us to introduce this. This will see us creating posters and sending letters to a school we have partnered with in Ghana for the project.


We now have our newly elected House Captains and Prefects who has taken on extra responsibility around the School. A huge well done who everyone who participated for their hard work and especially to everyone who was successful in achieving a role.


P.1 M’s Spooky Halloween Week !

Primary 1 M have had a fun week doing lots of  spooky  Halloween activities .  Here we are painting pumpkin pictures.   We discovered that if you mix red and yellow paint you can make orange ,  and if you mix yellow and blue paint you can make green ! We loved colour mixing.

These are the stories that we listened to this week.   We were so good at listening carefully to the stories and then talking about our favourite parts.   Our teacher was so impressed !

In this activity we had to roll and shape the dough to create features for the witch’s face.  We had some great ideas and made funny shapes for the noses, eyes and mouths, and it was great for helping the muscles in our hands get stronger for writing.

Here we are with our painted pumpkins. They looked fantastic. Our teacher was so proud of us


We had to cut out the shapes for the pumpkin’s eyes, nose and mouth .   We made some funny pumpkin faces and practised our cutting skills .

Here we are doing some fun music and movement games and running from monsters that “smell like blue cheese “, yuk !

Here are our amazing costumes !  We were fantastic  !

At the party !

Time for party food !

What a great week we had !

Happy Halloween from Primary 2!

Hello to you all and Happy Halloween weekend!  P2 thoroughly enjoyed their party today and were throwing some fabulous moves on the dance floor.  The costumes this year were of a very high standard and grown ups will be very busy tonight scrubbing face and glitter!

Apologies for the lack of photographs – they were extremely tricky to track down once the fun had begun!

Thank you P2 for such a lovely warm welcome to your class.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Saunders

Happy Halloween from Primary 6!

Halloween came to P6 on Friday with pupils showcasing their costumes on the classroom catwalk and in the hall. All manner of spooky and scary beings strutted their stuff and enjoyed lots of fun games, dancing and snacks.

In other news this week P6 have been continuing with their spelling strategies and spelling rules. We have also begun a new reading scheme looking at non-fiction books which will help us with our new writing topic, Information Report. In numeracy we are just about to complete a new assessment to identify gaps in learning. In topic we are learning all about space, based on topics pupils have chosen themselves. Well done Primary 6!



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