P3 pupil leading our learning

As our IDL topic this term is The Human Body we are looking at theĀ  skeleton and internal organs. Bonnie taught us about 1 major organ, the pancreas. Bonnie had some books which taught Ā us all about the pancreas and diabetes. She had her little teddy, Ruffles who has diabetes and she used him to show where he can have his injections and blood checked. We were very interested and enjoyed learning from Bonnie, we asked lots of great questions.Ā  Thank you Bonnie.

P1 M’s Wonderful World Book Day events and Sharing Our Learning !

What a fantastic time we had celebrating WORLD BOOK DAYon Thursday.Ā  Ā  Here we are in our costumes and pyjamas .


This young chap celebrated his birthday too !

We took part in the Where’s Wally Search around the school.Ā  Ā We had to find pictures of Wally. They were all well hidden and we were excited when we found them.

We also had a great time reading with our P7 Buddies and enjoyed some yummy hot chocolate !


On Friday we were so excited when our parents came to school for the Sharing Our Learning morning,Ā  Ā We showed them some of the activities that we usually do during Maths time.Ā  We followed our timetableĀ  and completed them very well.Ā  We were absolute superstars and made Mrs Moffat very proud.Ā  Thank you to everyone who came along.

What a fabulous week !



Primary 1S Sharing our learning

Primary 1S had a lovely morning sharing our learning with some of our adults. This time we focused on our Maths and Numeracy skills. We completed worksheets showcasing what we could do as well as have time to play some math games, board games and online.

This was a great opportunity to introduce our adults to Sumdog and we all went home with our home learning codes.

After all this we even managed to fit in some play with younger siblings and adults.

Thank you, parents, from Primary 3!

45,000+ Thank You Stock Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip  Art - iStock | Thank you card, Appreciation, Gratitude

A huge thank you to the parents and grandparents who were able to come along and support the children today.Ā  They were delighted to work with you and plant their seeds.Ā  We will watch them grow over the coming weeks and the children will bring them home before the Easter holidays.Ā  We hope you had a fun morning with us!


Primary 1S World Book Day

Primary 1S have had a fun filled Book Day. We all found it super exciting coming to school in our pyjamas ā˜ŗļø.

We have listened to authors read stories, made our own book covers and created our very own ā€œpotatoā€ characters.

We also joined in the ā€œWhereā€™s Wallyā€ hunt around the school with our Primary 7 Buddies.

To finish the day off we had hot chocolate and a story with our Primary 7 Buddies.

What a fantastic day celebrating books and reading šŸ“–


World Book Day fun in Primary 3!

Supporting World Book Day

What a day!Ā  Great fun was had by all in P3.Ā  We started our day by coming to school in our pyjamas – we could get used to this!

We did a reading doodle activity before putting our detective skills into action and setting off on a Where’s Wally picture hunt!Ā  Back in class we were joined by P4 and we all took part in a live World Book Day football quiz.Ā  Lots of schools across the country were taking part in this and we had to answer a series of questions from famous footballers.

Throughout the day we have done some paired reading, reading crosswords and word searches,Ā  designed book covers and took part in authors live (Scottish Book Trust) We watched and listened to Catherine Rayner who shared her picture book “Arlo: The Lion Who Couldn’t Sleep“, a beautiful story about finding peace and calm.Ā  Catherine also gave us a sneak peek at her sketchbook, and showed us step by step how to draw Arlo the lion. We had our pencils and paper at the ready!

In the afternoon we enjoyed Paired Reading with Primary 6 and we all enjoyed this and asked to do it again soon.Ā  Lots of us in Primary 3 brought in a book from home for the whole school book swap which will take place next week.

We will be bringing home a Ā£1 book token home today which is valid to use until the end of March.

We love World Book Day!

Bella – It’s been a fun day and I liked doing the football quiz.

Cody – I am going to get a new book with my book token.

Stella – I liked coming to school in my pyjamas and getting a token.

Peter – I liked drawing the lion. (From Authors Live)

Alexander – I liked drawing a potato character.

Jessica – I liked doing the word search.Ā  I found them all.

Iza – I found all the Where’s Wally pictures apart from number 8.

Kiera – It was fun when P6 came in and I read a book with Bailie.

Rocco – I liked Paired Reading and I read with Cora-Linn.

Jaxon – I liked the football quiz and Where’s Wally.

Luke – I love World Book Day!



Craft and Construction club

Craft and construction club started last week and we are enjoying the freedom to be creative. We started with a Lent theme last week and moved onto Spring this week. We enjoy playing with the train track, Lego and blocks and we have enjoyed colouring and creating craft pictures. This week we made some Spring trees with blossoms. They will be beautiful when completed.

P2 Update 1.3.24

How can it possibly be March?Ā  The daffodils are appearing, the nights are lighter but the temperature has not changed just yet!

P2 have been learning about their local area on a map in connection to our Katie Morag project.Ā  We have compared homes on the Scottish Islands to our homes in Polbeth and the surrounding areas and we have explored both areas on a map.Ā  On a map of our local area:

  • Macie identified St Mary’s.
  • Riley identified the football field.
  • Grace identified the fire station.
  • Lucy identified the vets.

Most were able to track their way home on the map thinking about the directions they took on their journey.

Elsewhere, standard of uniform and behaviour was impeccable today for our Lenten Mass with Father Marcin and St Thomas’s school.Ā  Absolute perfection and almost brought a tear to their teacher’s eye!

Oonagh and Jorja are celebrating special birthdays this weekend so it is party, party, party for the next few days!

Competition has been fierce during our maths games with Buzz being a particular favourite.Ā  Counting up in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s this week with a little support on the smart board has become extra competitive.

Finally, this smiley wee face has become a fully fledged member of the rainbows and is over the moon.Ā  Congratulations!


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