Primary 1S have been busy!

Good morning everyone and happy Monday!

Primary 1S have had a busy few weeks at St Mary’s.
We had so much fun at our spooktacular Halloween party where we played games, danced and had lots of fun.

We’ve been working super hard on our number work, counting up to 30 and back again.

We‘ve even managed to get out for some outdoor learning. We were working collaboratively using the crisp autumn leaves to create a picture/image in the grass.

Looking forward to another busy week packed with fun activities!
Miss McNeil


P1M’s fizzy and chilled week !

Primary 1 M  had a exciting time making ‘potions’ last week !   We all made sure to keep ourselves safe . We put on our safety glasses and listened carefully to the instructions.   We know that we must never touch liquids without an adult helping us.





We had great fun trying to find the skeletons in the sand !



We enjoyed using the laptops with our P7 Buddies.    They really helped us with our maths skills .   We are learning about one more than and one less than just now !


After a busy week we listened to some very relaxing music and watched the stars on the Smartboard.   We loved this and felt very chilled out afterwards.

Primary 2 Update 10.11.23

Primary 2 enjoyed exploring the origins of wind and were very surprised to find out that it all begins with the sun.  We looked at the importance of wind direction and created our own wind socks.  Thank goodness there was a gentle breeze and they worked really well.  Have a wonderful weekend.  Stay warm.  The children should be able to tell you that there will be a slight breeze on Saturday and clear skies but Sunday may bring some rain.  Temperatures will be around 8 degrees which isn’t too bad but night time will be rather cold indeed!

Busy, busy, busy in Primary 5!

What a week we’ve had!!

Firstly, it has been ‘Money Week’ in Numeracy so we have focussed a lot of our activities around this. We attended assembly where we listened to our Numeracy Ambassadors tell us all about money week activities and we had a big school discussion about money too. 

Mrs Wotherspoon ‘gifted’ us all £150.00 to spend in Tesco and Boots, some of us were club-card owners so got bigger discounts. We had lots of fun doing this activity, cutting and pasting our shopping lists as well as using our subtraction knowledge to calculate how much money we had left to spend.

We also had a visit from Blackburn District Credit Union who explained different ways for us to save our money and we played some games relating to saving too! We all participated really well with this activity and, used our manners and school values with our visitors. There was some great answers about what we would like to learn to save for from Primary 5, some of them were; animals we’d like, university, travelling and gifting it to charity.

We also completed our castles this week finishing up our Mary, Queen of Scots topic. Again everyone worked really well on this, using paper mache, different textures and colours to create and design replica castles of place where Mary, Queen of Scots lived.

And finally we have been learning something really special for our Christmas celebrations. After the summer holidays Primary 5 asked to learn British sign language so we are also challenging ourselves to learn ‘Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer’ in BSL. Watch this space….

Massive well done on a very busy week P5!! Have a great weekend 🙂

Mrs Wotherspoon

Let’s talk money… and more in Primary 7

This week we’re supporting Talk Money Week, which aims to break the stigma of talking about money and get us all sharing more about this important topic, whether that’s with friends, family or anyone else! In Maths we were tasked with planning a festive party. We all had different budgets and different guest lists to consider. We had to use Aldi and Argos’s websites to buy supplies. We had to consider budget, venue, guest list, food, decoration and entertainment. We then applied our talking and listening skills as we presented our Canva presentations of our budget friendly parties to the class and discussed if we think having a large budget was the most important factor in having a good time. Ask us our thoughts on this.


This week we invited our Primary 1 buddies to our classroom to help them log on to devices and play some online maths games with them. We love having extra responsibility with our buddies and enjoy teaching them new things. We hope they can come back soon.


Keep up the great work Primary 7 and we will have another fantastic week next week!
Miss Lindsay

P3 update

This week P3 were very inspired by the P6 class and their assembly all about Remembrance Day. We really enjoyed learning all about the Poppies that people wear as a symbol for all the soldiers who fought in the war to keep us safe. We decided to make our own wall display. We wrote acrostic poems for the word POPPY and we thought of some very interesting and moving vocabulary. We also made some pinwheel Poppies and added this altogether to make a beautiful display.

Continuing with our IDL topic of Homes and Castles we looked at ways in which a castle was built for defence. The battlements, portcullis, drawbridhe and moat were all important in keeping those inside the castle safe. We made our own catapults using lolly sticks and elastic bands. We could fire a Pom Pom half way across the classroom.

Cooking Club’s BACK!!!!

It was our first week back in Cooking Club today and we made Bonfire Pizzas!!

We made our dough from scratch using plain flour, warm water, yeast and a pinch of salt – everyone did so well mixing all the ingredients together and shaping their dough into balls to flatten into pizza shapes.

We got to choose our toppings to make ‘fireworks’ and the options were Red Leicester Cheddar (orange), Mature Cheddar (white),  Mozzarella (white), Yellow Pepper, Red Pepper, Red Onion and Pepperoni.

Massive well done to everyone on week 1!!!

Miss Lindsay & Mrs Wotherspoon

We will remember them… P6 lead a beautiful Remembrance assembly

Today P6 led the annual Remembrance Assembly and welcomed special guests from the armed services.

P6 have been learning about Remembrance including why we have a two-minute silence, who we are remembering, which special poems are shared at Remembrance, what Article 38 means for children and why we wear a poppy. Pupils all wore poppies they had made themselves and placed a beautiful hand-made wreath centre stage to mark the occasion. The class have been rehearsing every day for the last week  and did a wonderful job of sharing a reflective and thought-provoking assembly.

We were incredibly lucky to be joined by Lance Corporal and Private Mallaney from the Royal Logistics Corps who answered lots of interesting pupil questions and spoke about their experiences in the armed services. We were very grateful for them to give up their time to come in and we even got to try on some army equipment and uniforms at the end.

Well done Primary 6, you certainly gave us all an experience to remember.

Primary 5’s busy week!

Lots has happened in Primary 5 this week!

We have completed our numeracy assessments – we tried our very best with these as there was lots of questions. We had to use many different strategies to help complete the assessment but we did it!

Sentences was our grammar topic this week and we did really well with this activity too. We also started our new writing genre, information report, and did some investigations about firefighters which we all found really interesting!

We celebrated Saints Day at Mass and discussed this in our class together too.

Very well done on another great week Primary 5! I’m really proud of you all!!

Mrs Wotherspoon 🙂


P2 weekly update – 3.11.23

P2 have been doing a bit of work on their scissor skills this week.  We’ve sorted hot and cold items as a warm up activity in health and wellbeing.  We then visited Firefighter Fred’s Bonfire Safety workshop in preparation for the weekend.

We also created a fireworks collage using multicoloured cupcake cases.  It was a careful and delicate task but the results were fantastic.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Mrs Saunders


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