Category Archives: Primary 7

End of term Primary 1 & Primary 7

Today we had a end of term garden party with our buddies 🥰

We enjoyed cooking hotdogs and s’mores over the fire pit. Over the past year we have all enjoyed spending time together, we have had lots of learning and lots of fun together.

Today was our final fun time together and we had a ball. The sun ☀️ was shining, we had music 🎶 and dancing 💃 🕺 as well as cooking our food.
Primary 1 would like to thank Primary 7 for being fabulous buddies throughout our first year at school and we wish them lots of success at high school, we will miss you all!

Primary 1S and Primary 7 early Pancake fun

Primary 1S and Primary 7 got together to make 🥞 pancakes.

As we will be off school on Pancake Tuesday we decided to have them early😀

We used lots of skills, teamwork , listening, following instructions as well cooking 🧑‍🍳 skills to make pancakes 🥞 with our buddies. We had lots of fun and got to sample a couple of pancakes each with different toppings.

We all agreed we would like to try to makes these at home 😋

A Happy Halloween From Primary 7

Halloween preparations began last week where primary 7 created their own Halloween art and even made their own Halloween raps to music.

On Friday we celebrated Halloween with pupils attending a Halloween party showcasing their costumes. It was a fun filled day consisting of dancing, party games, Halloween jokes, snacks and lots of laughs. The Halloween costumes were of a high standard and primary 7 enjoyed strutting their stuff at the party.  

It has been a busy time lately in primary 7 with lots going on. We are continuing our new writing topic of Information Reporting where we are looking at non-fiction texts, analysing information, conducting research and making sure we have the correct structure and layout to create our own information report.

In numeracy we have been completing our Maths assessment under exam conditions.

We are starting our new topic of World War 1 and look forward to learning more about this.  

Last week we started a project with 5 sisters zoo and had a representative from the zoo who will be leading the project visit us to introduce this. This will see us creating posters and sending letters to a school we have partnered with in Ghana for the project.


We now have our newly elected House Captains and Prefects who has taken on extra responsibility around the School. A huge well done who everyone who participated for their hard work and especially to everyone who was successful in achieving a role.


A short week round up for Primary 7

It has been a quick week in Primary 7.  We would like to start by thanking everyone who attended ‘Rock for Camp’ last week.  We raised over £900.  Thank you to the parent council members who supported us with this, your help and advice was really appreciated.  We hope everyone had as much fun as we did.  Well done to the winners of the games and raffles.

We have also welcomed some very hungry visitors this week.  We have been learning about life cycles.  we have planted seeds and are now looking at the life cycles of animals.  Our caterpillars will be with us for a few weeks as we study different stages of their


Another shorter week next week.  We hope you enjoy the holiday weekend.

Things are Growing in P7

This week we have been looking at the life cycle of plants and how a plant produces seeds.   We have been planting seeds of our own.  The ones that we planted out in the school garden before Easter have become dinner for little visitors to the garden, so undeterred, we are starting again.


We have planted cress indoors and letuce, radishes carrots and spring onions outdoors.  We have also been looking at how the plants produce seeds.  We have disected and pressed some flowers and examined each of the parts to learn how seeds are produced.

Rock for Camp


As part of their final term enterprise in collaboration with the Parent Council P7 would like to invite everyone from across the school and nursery to a live music event on Friday 28th April.  The doors will open at 6.30pm where there will be music, a raffle and slide coin at the bottle games for adults and children.  There will be some soft drinks and snack available to buy on the night but adults may BYOB.

The band Full Circlewill be performing at the school between 7-9pm.  Christopher Ferguson, our chair of the Parent oCuncil, has been a member of this covers and events band for many years and they have kindly donated their time to raise money for the Primary 7 school camp.  The parent council, for many years now,  have been raising money to ensure that every child who wants to go to camp can get this experience.

The Primary 7 children will be selling the tickets in school.  Numbers are limited so make sure you get your tickets now!