Category Archives: Whole School Events

Coding in Primary 3

This week we had the opportunity to use our problem solving and coding skills with the Bee-Bots.  We gave our Bee-Bot a sequence of instructions to navigate around the classroom. We had to be confident with left and right and work out directions for the Bee-Bot to follow.

Once we were confident with the basic coding instructions we then used maps where we could navigate the Bee-Bots around the roads.

Art and Design in P3

We have really enjoyed learning about famous artists this year. As our IDL topic is a  Scottish focus we wanted to learn about a famous  Scottish  artist.  We learned about Gillian Kyle who is a textile designer. She is greatly inspired by all things Scottish. We learned that she was born in Renfrewshire and studied at the Glasgow School of Art. She creates designs for products such as aprons, cushions and table mats. She takes her influence from lots of Scottish products such as Tunnocks Teacakes, Caramel Wafers, Irn Bru and haggis. We used Scottish products and looked at the design of their packaging and then created a piece of art in the style of Gillian Kyle.

Primary 1 M another busy week !

P1 M have had another very busy week.

Our topic is’ Where we live’ so we have been learning about places in Scotland and about places in Polbeth .

Hamish Mc Haggis has been to Edinburgh so  we found out where he visited and used Google Maps to take a peek at where Hamish was.  He visited the castle and went to the Tattoo !

Here we are drawing our houses and painting models of them.


We are learning all about adding numbers together so we played Snakes and Ladders to help up count on and add.   It was great fun !

We also jumped around to the music, then we had to land on certain numbers.


At the end of our busy week we did some Mindfulness !  We really enjoyed listening to the music, watching the lights making gentle cloud shapes and relaxing our bodies.  We learned how nice it is to feel calm and relaxed.

” I like the relaxing” AB

“Listening to the sounds is good fun” JB

“I want to do the music again”


Here is a link to try out at home

Have a lovely weekend everyone

Mrs Moffat.

Lots of Learning in Primary 7

Another busy week in Primary 7 with lots of new learning.

We started the week with some problem solving maths challenges where we had to work in teams to solve the problems we were presented with. Some of these included

– Can you change 1 stick to solve the equation?

– Can you fill the cup up with exactly 4 litres of water. You only have a 5 litre cup and a 4 litre cup, how will you do this?

– Can you cut an A4 sheet of paper so it has a hole big enough to fit 2 people through?

We were successful in all our tasks.


We have been using digital frequently in our class for research challenges and presentations. This left us asking “What is a reliable website?”

“How can we trust this information from this website?”.

We then completed a research projected on The Pacific North West Tree Octopus which we were upset to learn was a completely fake website. This made us realise not all information we find on the internet is trustworthy. We will now be more careful with the information we read on the internet.

We have now started our new writing topic of narrative writing and poems. In preparation for this we have been looking at direct speech. We have discussed the direct speech rules and practised our direct speech skills to translate texts from some known characters. Check out our work below.

We celebrated burns day on the 25th January with some Scottish songs, poems, and art tasks. We used our digital skills to see if we had a clan tartan related to our surnames. This gave us inspiration to create our own tartan kilts.


Primary 7 you are working so hard and making great progress. You are all fabulous individuals and I am so proud of you all. I’m delighted to be teaching you. Miss Lindsay

P.1 M’s Burns Supper.

P1 M have had a busy week learning about all things Scottish.   We have been listening to Scottish songs old and new, and learning a poem in Scots language.

We listened to a Hamish McHaggis story and learned about his  places he visitied in Scotland.   We found the places on a map, and we used Google Maps to find Polbeth and our school. We were amazed to see familiar buildings in Polbeth and Scotland.


Here we are drawing and colouring the characters in  the Hamish McHaggis  stories.     



Here we are enjoying haggis , neeps and tatties, shortbread and Irn Bru at our Burns Supper.  We scoffed the lot , then danced it off to The Red Hot Chilli Pipers music.



Last week we learned all about adding numbers together using Numicon.   We were all amazing !



Here are some photos from Christmas that you might like to see.

P1 M’s Happy New Year 2024

P1 M are so happy to be back at school and learning lots of new things.

This week we were learning all about addition



We are starting a new topic all about ‘Where we live’ and focusing on Polbeth and Scotland.   Hamish McHaggis and his friends will be helping us to learn lots about our topic.

Christmas Fun  !

We had a great time celebrating Christmas time.  Here are some photos of our Nativity Concert, Party and Christmas Lunch !

     More photos to follow

Continue reading P1 M’s Happy New Year 2024

P6’s fun Christmas Week

P6 are having a fun week. Today we enjoyed wearing our pyjamas to school. We started the day off with some fun Christmas literacy and then went to the hall to see who had won the Christmas Stem Competition! Well done to Bailey, Charlotte, Lacey, Colby and Jessica who won the clay competition. Next we played our football competition, with the Yellow Girls team winning 2-0 and the boys Reds winning 2-1. Finally we had a quick carol practise and then enjoyed our Secret Santa present giving! Well done Primary 6 – a fun start to a fun week.