All posts by J HudsonPrice

Rannoch News!

A lovely week in Rannoch class!

We have enjoyed ourselves in the warming sun this week and have spent time running around on the grass with our friends. We have also enjoyed listening to music in the sensory room and playing with the new toys in the outdoor classroom. We also enjoyed tasting some pancakes with some squirty cream!! Yum!!

In our Beyond Number studies we have been learning about the concept of time and what activities we do as part of our morning routines.

In Literacy we have been focused on learning about the initial sound ‘c’.

In our Topic studies we have been continuing our ‘Under the Sea’ studies and have made some honey-nut starfish!!



Rannoch News

This week in Rannoch we have enjoyed some lovely early Spring sunshine outside with our friends.

We have also been working really hard in class and have progressed well with our understanding of the initial sound ‘o’ and related words. We have also begun our learning journey in relation to the concept of ‘time’ and have been learning to recognise our morning routines.

In our Topic studies we have learned about sea creatures and enjoyed painting some fish and practising our fine motor skills in cutting and sticking jellyfish pictures.

All in all, a lovely week.

P2 News

We have thoroughly enjoyed our first week back after the holidays – it has been lovely to see our friends again.

We have had a very busy week….In Read, Write, Inc. we have worked hard on developing our Phonic skills and our reading.

In Maths we have also worked hard on learning about Fractions of amounts. We have been learning about whole parts, halves, quarters and three-quarters.

We have also learned about the symbols of the Holy Spirit as well as its meaning.

We also worked as table teams to design and draw a 7 foot long ‘tapestry of life at St Mary’s’ with illustrations of our memories, and experiences at school.

A great week!


Rannoch News

This week we have enjoyed time with our friends during Committee Time…we wrapped up warm and enjoyed fun times on the Trim Trail.

In Literacy we have focused on the initial sound ‘g’ and have begun to look a telling the time to the hour in our ‘Beyond Number’ studies.

We have also started a new topic and are looking at the wonderful word ‘Under the Sea’.

We had a lovely break but have thoroughly enjoyed our first week back with our friends.


Rannoch News

A lovely end to a very busy, and happy, term in Rannoch Class.

We enjoyed the returning sun out on the Trim Trail this week!

We have also begun to learn about the world ‘Under the Sea’.

We have focused on learning words beginning and ending with the ‘p’ sound, and have completed our current learning stage relating to patterns and sequences. After the break we are going to start looking at Time.

We wish you all a lovely break and look forward to rejoining one another afterwards.

Rannoch News

This week in Rannoch we have continued our phonics learning journey in looking at the initial sound ‘n’…..we’ve looked at words from the height of a bird’s nest to the very tip of our noses!

In Beyond Number we have made great progress in understanding, and recognising, ‘what comes next’.

In our other number work we have been revising counting to 20 and playing some new games!

We have also had great fun in the Sensory Room and at P.E.

A lovely fun, busy, and positive week!

Rannoch News

This week we have enjoyed time with our Committee friends outside in the fresh air…where we also enjoyed Outdoor Morning.

We have also enjoyed learning more about the initial sound ‘i’.  We have confidently identified those items with the sound through pictures, model making and songs.

In our number work we have continued our learning with relation to patterns and worked on counting to 30 and writing the number 2.

We have also had great fun in P.E.  and enjoyed sensory activities.




Rannoch News

We have had a super week in Rannoch Class…Despite the snow being away we have enjoyed beginning our new Topic – ‘Winter’

We have been learning about related weather, what to wear and what animals do when the weather grows cold.

In our Read, Write Inc. lessons we have been learning about the initial sound ‘t’.

In our Beyond Number work we have been learning about patterns and how to recognise ‘what comes next’. In our Numeracy we have been learning how to count from 1-20.

All in all, a busy and happy week!


Rannoch News

A super week back into school! It’s been lovely to see each other again. We have enjoyed time outside in the snow and on the sleds.

In class we have resumed our learning of the initial phonic sounds and our Beyond Number studies where we are looking at sequencing and patterns…

We are really looking forward to all our learning opportunities and time with our friends this term.