St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

September 29, 2023
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 – 29.9.23

This week Ogilvie Bear has been in Spain and Italy.  We have discovered where these countries are on a map, looked at their flag design, researched what they like to eat and learned some words from the language they speak.

In Literacy, we wrote senses poems all about Autumn.  We went outside for a walk around the school grounds to see what we could see, hear and feel in Autumn.  The children then used this information to write their poems.  We focused on using adjectives to make our writing more detailed and interesting to the reader.  Here are a few fantastic examples:

In Maths and Numeracy, we continued to look at place value with Mrs Brand.  We completed lots of symmetry activities with Mrs Craig, including making symmetrical patterns with Hama beads, painting symmetrical pictures and using loose parts to make symmetrical designs.

Huge congratulation to our hot chocolate Friday winner this week, Owen!  Owen has been working extremely hard, always ensuring that his work is presented beautifully and being kind and helpful towards others.

Have a great weekend everyone!

September 29, 2023
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 29th September 2023

This week we have been learning the sound ‘s’. We made our own snakes and had to cut them out very carefully. In writing, we wrote a sentence using the starter ‘I can’ and we tried our best to include any sounds that we have learned. We started our new Word Boost Book, Home Sweet Hamish, and we were very good at remembering the words. We listened carefully to hear the words when we were reading the story.

In maths, we have been learning about repeating patterns. We made our own repeating patterns using the penguins and to colour in our snakes. We also learned about 3D shapes and played a game where one of the shapes was covered up and we had to guess which one it was. We sorted the shapes into ones that rolled and stacked. We tried to balance as many of the shapes as we could on top of each other.

This week Ogilvie Bear visited Spain and Italy. We learned how to do some Flamenco dancing and about Pablo Picasso. We made a drawing of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and put our photos next to it so it looked like we were holding them up.

In RE, we learned the hymn Praise Him.

On Friday, we spent some time with out buddies playing in the classroom and the area.

Well done to Sophia who is this week’s Hot Chocolate at Home winner!

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

I liked playing outside.

Matteo – I liked playing with the buddies.

Peyton – I liked playing with the playdough.

Lewis – I like drawing.

Bella – I liked learning the letters.

Maksymilian – I liked to play.

Link to Article 28 and 31

September 29, 2023
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – 29.09.23

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

Our highlights of the week were:

  • Our learning about the Scottish Wars of Independence, including why they have started, when that happened and who was involved. We have spent a big part of our week learning about this and have been finding it really interesting. The majority of us has spoken about wee Margaret, maid of Norway and of how impressed we were by what happened to her.
  • Our learning on the properties of 3d shapes and their nets, since we were finding it very challenging before but are beginning to enjoy it a lot!
  • Our revision on time, although it did show us that we will need to work a lot on this part of Maths!
  • Our Consecration Journey, since we are now beginning to understand the readings and how to use them as lessons for our life, also linking them to the Rights of the Child.
  • Drawing some leaves that we have collected focusing on their texture and colours.
  • Our guessing game about the planets, where we had to guess which planet it was by reading 3 clues. It was very fun!
  • Sharing our learning with our parents in the hall!
  • Doing PE with Mrs Callaghan and finding out about the hockey tournament in October.

Here are the you tube clips for the next two days of our Consecration Journey. It would be very good to watch them and to try and understand them during the weekend, if possible.

We say goodbye for now but only after congratulating Miss Pixie for being our amazing Hot Chocolate of the week! Well done, Pixie!!!!!!!!🥇🏆🥰🎉😀Keep being Ready, Respectful, Safe and Kind!

Have a wonderful weekend!

P5A and Mrs Valente😍

September 29, 2023
by Mrs Miller

Weekly Blog P5B 29th September 2023

This week we discussed how important it was for everyone to have their own name, nationality and registration so that we exist legally and can make sure we have all of our rights. Article 7 & 8. We learned to sing out our names “Loud & Proud” and shared some information about ourself in our jotters.  As part of Scotland Math Week we took part in the West Lothian Sumdog competition. We learned that we are good at math.

On Wednesday we had a visit from Mr Drummond from Bathgate who gave us a great demonstration of how to play the bagpipes. Some of us were very keen and will hopefully be accepted to learn how to play the chanter in weekly lessons at school.

For our topic we have been very busy completing factfiles on key figures in the Scottish Wars of Independence. We made our heraldic shields. Next week we hope to get outside and practice using our shields as a shield wall and using long poles to create a schiltron like the armies of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce.








On Thursday it was our Sharing the Learning afternoon but we still managed to plant Swiss Chard and Pumkin seeds. We also had a tidy up outside with weeding and planting.

On Monday and Thursday we practised our Hockey Skills. We were informed that Primary 5 pupils across the cluster were asked to take part in a Hockey Competition. We have some experience with hockey as Mrs Lafferty taught us some skills last year and we hope to polish up on those skills and develop game skills with our team mates.

The Links to Consecration of Jesus through Mary – Day 27 Saturday and Day 28 Sundays sessions with Bishop Keenan can be found below.

Consecration to  Jesus through Mary – Day 27 

Consecration to Jesus through Mary – Day 28

September 29, 2023
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s and update on what P7 have been up to this week in our learning journey:

This week was a very exciting week we did lots of things such as we met our buddies, we played conkers,

we did free choice writing, we did a maths scavenger hunt and lots more.

These are a few of the thing that some of the students enjoyed doing this week…

Grant- I was being a confidant individual I showed it by winning the conker battle.

Adam- I was being a successful learner I showed it by writing a 427 word long free choice story.

Josh- I was being a effective contributor  I showed this by me and Joshua completing the maths Scavenger Hunt and we finished in 22mins and 19 seconds.

By Lead Learner Sam.


Have a great weekend,

Mr McGurn & P7A.


September 29, 2023
by Miss MacGregor

P6A 29.09.23 – Maths Week

Hi P6A families,

We have had a busy week looking at all things maths for Maths Week.

Firstly, we all worked together fantastically as a team to climb up the leader board for the SumDog Competition – we went from 2000th place to 40th! Just as normal, we have been doing our daily Number Talks challenge, Fluent in 5 and we have enjoyed sharing our strategies with each other for all of the questions. To round up our place value topic, we played a partitioning game with dice.

We have been super busy planning, creating and playing our own maths board games. There are some pictures below of the groups the got finished!

Have a lovely weekend,

Miss MacGregor and P6A 🙂

September 29, 2023
by Miss Duddy

P4b learning highlights 29th September 2023

This week in p4b we have been learning about Scottish inventors for our topic. The children started writing all about Scottish Inventors and also started researching the Alexander Fleming and John Logie Baird using the iPads. In numeracy, we started looking at estimating using a number line and estimating quantities using an interactive game on the smart board. They have also been continuing on with their times tables timing and doing the countdown challenge. In beyond number with Mrs Ross, the children were continuing with time.

In literacy, this week out spelling focus was ‘ilk’ the children have been given and started reading their new books in class. We have also read chapter 4 of ‘The Hodgeheg’ are did a story board in class today with the main events of the chapter. For RE this week, we have been looking at the liturgical calendar and the colours of the liturgical year, as well as looking at the Rosary with Mrs Ogunro. During PE, we played dodgeball on Tuesday and games on Thursday as the weather didn’t permit for hockey to be played outdoors.


Cohens favourite part of the week this week was when we had PE on Tuesday and played dodgeball. He enjoyed trying to be first to get a ball and throw it to the other side.

Amelia’s highlight this week was PE on Thursday when we played games outside. She likes playing ‘red light, green light’ and it’s her favourite game.

Flynn’s highlight of the week was when we played the estimation games on the smartboard during numeracy and we had a competition. He liked being timed and counting up points to see who had got the most.

Matthias’ highlight of the week was playing on Sumdog on the laptop during technology. He enjoyed playing the maths games and liked playing with his friends and against his classmates.

The hot chocolate winner this week is Aayush and our secret student this week is Alex.

September 22, 2023
by Maria Brown

P3 Sports Festival

P3 had a FANTASTIC day at the sports festival at Deans High today.  They joined other P3 classes from neighbouring schools and rotated around 6 different activities : rugby, handball, relay, hockey, football and beat the goalie.  Thank you to everyone for giving 100% effort!  You made your school very proud.  I have a feeling the children will sleep soundly tonight! 😴💪🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️⚽️🏈🏒⛹️‍♀️


September 22, 2023
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 22/9/23

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had another very busy but short week!

Our class had an introductory session with a visitor from NYCOS today and we played lots or singing games where we  experimented with different beats and rhythms. It was great fun!

Today we had an assembly which was all about superheroes and we talked about the individual talents and qualities we each possess.

Our class have been learning about the Scottish artist Steven Brown and we created our own ” McCoo” pictures using vibrant colours in his style.

Here are some of our learning highlights :

David- ” I enjoyed playing place value games on the iPad as part of our numeracy lesson.”

Isabel – ” I liked learning more about how to read different times on the clock .”

Pola and Chiji- ” Learning about adverbs using our white boards was good fun!”

Ollie- ” I enjoyed the NYCOS session where we learned songs and rhymes.”

Congratulations to Ella who is our Hot Chocolate Winner this week.

Have a super weekend.

Mrs Lea and Primary 4 A


September 22, 2023
by Mrs Ross

P5a Short and sweet week

We have had a busy and quick week. After everyone had a lovely rest on the long weekend. We made and talked about 3D shapes on Wednesday. We have been continuing our Consecration Journey in class and have the weekend stories on our TEAMS. We started writing a short story on the laptops to practise our typing and WORD skills. We managed to save to our own GLOW drives.

Our topic this term is the Scottish Wars of Independence – we have been talking about some of the main figures in this time and used our number knowledge skills to work out values on timeline and then linked the date to an event that happened. We are looking forward to learning more.

We had an assembly today when we tried to think about the qualities and talents that we have that we can call our super powers and they are what make us superheroes.

This week we have also had lots of chat revising numbers and discussing digits and their place value!

Have a great weekend everyone and congratulations to John who won the Hot Chocolate at home this week.

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