Dear Readers,
We hope you are all well.
Our highlights this week were:
- Revising the different types of words we already know including, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and pronouns.
- Learning about the different types of nouns and identifying them in different texts.
- Identifying verbs, adjectives and adverbs in different texts.
- Understanding what kinds of words are used the most when writing a recount.
- Continuing our work on division and multiplication sums.
- Continuing our work on 1 and 2 step word problems with perimeter and area.
- Our beautiful Art work for Mary, Our Mother, which will be up until the end of P5.
- Throughout the month of May, Month of Mary, we have learned about how Mary’s Meals have been helping children around the world and have felt very much touched by it. Day by day, we have learned about the amount of school meals they provide to children in each one of the countries they help.We have also learned about the contents of those meals and the economic and social situations of each one of those countries. Although sad and shocked by the terrible conditions most of those children live in, we felt that it was good to learn this, since it made us all much more grateful for what we have and the place we live in. Also, we started being Mary’s Meals BIG fans and now want to do as much as we can to help them! And we can happily say that our donations for Mary’s Meals on Friday have shown how much we care, since we managed to donate enough money to feed almost three children during a whole year! Just from P5A, Well done,P5A! Team work does make the dream work!
- We have also had the opportunity to work on our STEM Curiosity Box challenges for which we have been given a sheet of instructions and the resources and have been told to complete the challenges within small groups chosen by us. It was quite fun!
- Many congratulations to our Hot Chocolate from last week, Mr. Mason!!!!!!
Super well done! Mason is the first one to tidy up, likes to help others and always makes everyone smile.
- Congratulations as well to Miss Nell, our Hot Chocolate of the week, for being a super welcoming friend and helping our new Ena settling in to our class and for making her feel so happy!♥
- Well done to the Chamber of Secrets and the Half Blood Prince Tables for winning the Prize for best tables of the week!
- Regarding our amazing Eco-School models, here are some amazing pictures of the whole process, we hope you like them!
That’s all for now!
We wish you a wonderful week ahead!
P5A and Mrs Valente