Use these cards, maybe one a day, to develop a love of books with your child!
Click link below to open the cards.
Use these cards, maybe one a day, to develop a love of books with your child!
Click link below to open the cards.
Here are a few ways you can make playdough. Playdough
Enjoy learning how to count with these counting songs.
Either simply enjoy singing them together or if you want print off the pictures connected to some of the songs and use these as props while you sing.
If you have no printer use real objects or even make your own. For example you could make sausages from odd socks!
Spend time in the kitchen making cakes or preparing healthy meals.
Why not add your own recipes too!
These are a range of cards that offer you little maths activities you can do together with your child in the house!
Have lots of fun and enjoy learning together! Maths Challenge Cards