Tag Archives: Health and Wellbeing

Blackburn Community Centre 50th birthday!

As you may or not be aware, Blackburn Community Centre is celebrating it’s 50th birthday on Friday 25th November.
There are a number of events planned on both Friday and Saturday which will hopefully engage the whole community, past and present.   If you know of anyone  who has been involved in Blackburn Community Centre in the last 50 years, please let them know and ask them to get in touch (see poster).

P6/7 Reflect on our Nurture Afternoon

Today, we spoke a lot about the benefits of our Nurture afternoon yesterday, when we spent time with members of our family and our staff watching a film. We discussed how us, our families and our school form a triangle and we’re always thinking of ways to help strengthen the bonds between all three parts of the triangle. We decided that the stronger these links are, the more successful learners we will become. Here are some quotes about what people in our class thought about yesterday:

“It really brought the school together and made everyone friendlier”


“It brought our school community together”


“We learned about friendship”


“It gave us time to bond with our families”


“It showed us how similar we all are”


“It lets our families bond with our school and the staff”


“It gave us time to relax and have fun with our families and our teachers”



Trying Thursday Health Week P2/3………

Our word for the week in P2/3 is “try”. This is to encourage us to try our best at all the activities we are doing this week and also relates to growth mindset which we have been learning about this week.

Yesterday we had the police come and talk to us about being safe on bonfire night.

We also had fun in music with Mrs Lang learning songs about being healthy and also practicing songs for our St Andrews Assembly later this month.

We also had a lot of fun trying kurling for the first time and everyone was really good and worked well in their teams!


We also took on a squat challenge at the start of the week. Using flower by Moby (song) we have to squat when the song says ‘down’ and stay squatting until the song says ‘up’. We managed the whole song yesterday! Watch a short clip of us doing it below:


P3/4 Thursday……..

Today we had Judo in the Hall.  We also continued to learn about Growth Mindsets and healthy eating.  At the end of the day we watched a clip of how to tie laces!  Tomorrow we are going to try to tie our laces ourselves and for those of us who know how to tie them, we have a challenge to tie them in 1 second.


Logan and Michal – I enjoyed the Judo.

Marcus – I liked the music with Mrs Lang.

Maddie – The police gave an interesting talk about fireworks.

Lucas and Demi-Lee – I liked colouring the Inside Out characters for display.

Kyran – The Judo was ballistic!

Katie – I had good fun doing the Growth Mindsets.

Here are the links to the clips on tying laces …

The Risk Factory……..

P7 visited The Risk Factory in Edinburgh today. It was really good fun and we learned loads about how to stay safe in lots of different situations.

Here are some quotes:

“Words can’t describe how fun it was”


“The best trip I’ve ever been on”


“It’s definitely worth waiting for”


“It was excellent”


We can’t wait for the P6’s to experience all the fun next year!

Fireworks Safety Talk

A really interesting discussion with PC Chris and PC Carol Ann today.

fireworks2A massive thank you to them for coming in and having a safety chat with us.

Key messages were:

Stay safe with fireworks.

Under 18 year olds are not permitted to have fireworks.

Keep your distance (at least 25 m) from fireworks and bonfires.

Do not return to or go near fireworks which have been lit.

Fireworks are loud and can frighten people.  Make sure pets and young children are kept inside during home displays and be mindful of neighbours.

Make sure your blue bins are out of harm’s way.