P3 using word clouds to spot spelling patterns today
Well done Platinum Spellers!
P3 Pet Showcase Friday 1st June 2018
Remember to fill in our letter and slip at the bottom to include your pet in this Fridays fun!
School Transport Applications for 2018/19
P1, S1, S5 & S6.
All other pupils should retain their current passes for use in 2018/19.
Applications should be made via the Council Website at:
If pupils have lost their passes, replacement passes can also be requested using the online form. Replacement passes will be sent to their school where they should pay a £2 replacement fee.
Please ensure applications are made by 30 June 2018.
NSPCC Scotland and O2 issue advice for Fortnite: Battle Royale
NSPCC Scotland and O2 issue advice for Fortnite: Battle Royale
The NSPCC and O2 have launched new advice for parents of young people playing the multiplayer action survival game Fortnite: Battle Royale.
It comes amid concerns over a function in Fortnite which automatically allows users to speak to other players through voice and text chat functions. It means children can be contacted by anyone else who is playing the game.
Users can disable voice chat in the game via the setting menu, but the text chat function cannot be turned off. Research from NSPCC and O2 this week reveals that that one in four children have been contacted online by someone they don’t know. The research is based on reviews by children and parents of the most popular apps, sites and games currently on the market, featured on the Net Aware app and website.
Today’s Net Aware advice on Fortnite warns parents the game features cartoon violence, where players can use a variety of weapons, such as guns and axes, to kill other players, despite being rated as suitable for players aged 12+ by The App Store.
The NSPCC and O2 are offering parents the following advice:
- Talk to your child regularly about what they are doing online and how to stay safe. Let them know they can come to you or another trusted adult if they’re feeling worried or upset by anything they have seen. You can use ourconversation starters to support you when starting these conversations.
- Explore your child’s online activities together. Understand why they like using certain apps, games or websites and make sure they know what they can do to keep themselves safe.
- Agree your own rules as a family when using sites, apps and games. You can use our Family Agreement template to help you get started.
- Manage your technology and use the privacy and parental control settings available to keep your child safe.
Laura Randall, NSPCC’s associate head of child safety online, said “Apps, sites, and games such as Fortnite: Battle Royale can be great opportunities for young people to play and engage online.
“However, in light of emerging concerns about the risks children could be exposed to, we are urging parents to be aware of Fortnite’s features. It is vital parents have regular conversations with their children about the games they are playing, and how to stay safe online.
“Anyone looking for further online safety advice can contact the O2 NSPCC online safety helpline on 0808 800 5002 or pop into an O2 store where an O2 Guru can help.”
The Net Aware app can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play. It can also be accessed online at www.net-aware.org.uk
Epic Games, the developer of Fortnite: Battle Royale, says it does not direct the game to children under the age of 13 in the UK.
The PEGI rating for Fortnite: Battle Royale is 12-years-old. However, PEGI does not take chat features into consideration when rating games. You can find out more about age ratings here.
The App Store says that users must be 12+ to play.
Players can add friends in the mobile game if they have an account with Epic, the game’s developer. Friends can be added by username in the game’s main menu.
There is a chat feature in the game that allows users to contact each other using voice or text. You can disable voice chat in the game by selecting the 3 lines in the top right of the screen, select the settings icon, choose the ‘Audio’ tab at the top of the screen and go to the ‘Voice Chat’ option, where you can select ‘Off’.
There is cartoon violence in the game. You can use a variety of weapons to kill other players, such as guns and axes.
There are in-app purchases, which can become expensive.
Players can be reported to the Player Support team if you are concerned about activity or behaviour.
About Net Aware
NetAware.org.uk is the NSPCC and O2 guide to 40 of the most popular sites, apps and games currently on the market based on reviews by both children and parents.
The Net Aware guide is free to access at www.net-aware.org.uk or to download as an app from the Apple Store or Google Play.
The guide is part of a landmark partnership between O2 and the NSPCC designed to ensure parents can access the practical advice and support they need to help their children stay safe online.
O2 and the NSPCC provide free expert advice to parents via their Online Safety Helpline on 0808 800 5002 and through face to face advice from O2’s Gurus in O2 stores across the UK.
Well done Michael for creating a Royal Wedding SWAY for P3
New digital reading collection added to EPIC..
P3 would like to thank Michael for producing a fabulous SWAY presentation for us this week…..
Epic now has a new collection for P3 to access during smartstarts in the countdown to Saturday’s celebrations….
P3 just love Digital Learning Week 2018..
updating our own digital note books using ONENOTE and our class Yammer group today -we are really improving our technology skills. Some of our P3 pupils visited P5 and P6 to flip the classroom and present their own ONENOTE workshop for pupils…..amazing confidence shown here! #showwhatyouknow
Outdoor teamwork and tasting our homework for P3 this afternoon…
P3 has an exciting dojo points update…
exciting dojo point news…..lots of pupils in our class are due a certificate at our next assembly some pupils have moved to gold, some to platinum and 1 pupil to DIAMOND! Well done everyone -we are proud of you!