P6 have been busy working in collaborative teams to produce a news interview presentation to share with the younger pupils in school this week. The pupils have been considering what deep, open ended questions we can pose during the interviews and how we can EXTEND our answers to showcase what we have learned about THE SPACE RACE!
A huge thanks to everyone that supported us…
We are so pleased to let everyone know we raised £255.30 this morning at our Cake and Bake Sale! We want to say a huge thankyou to EVERYONE who helped,baked,brought in money,donated in our bus money tin,helped set up and cleared away…..we couldn’t have done it without you all .Love from P6 and P2 xx
Coffee and Cake Bake Sale Tomorrow…….
P6 and P2 are organising this event and exciting news… if you can show our new SCHOOL APP on your phone a free treat awaits you at our event!
If you haven’t got our SCHOOL APP yet just scan the QR CODE here and install it easily! See you tomorrow 915-1030 am- many thanks .
P2 and P6 are having a Coffee and Cake Bake Sale this Friday 21st Feb……
Please come along and join us at 915-1030am for some delicious and unique Scottish Treats ….like Bannockburn Buns, Wallace Monument Melt in the Mouth Moments and not forgetting Mary Queen of Scots Muffins!
We are hoping to raise some funds towards the bus and the cost of our trip to Stirling Castle at the end of March so all your donations will help us enormously!
If you can’t make it feel free to send in donations of treats and please add your name to any precious plastic cake boxes being brought in….thanks so much for your support, Love P2 and P6 x
Space Race Information for P6 teams…..
Next week P6 will be blasting off with our 1960’s topic…….
Click here to explore the Race to Space….
Who are these astronauts and why are they important P6?
We are hoping to design a presentation to explain the Space Race to a younger class in our school so……if any of you have any items for our Space help desk please bring them in from home? Thankyou!
Remember Everyone Tuesday 11th February…
P6 Digital Leaders have a challenge for you! We will deliver it on Friday Morning so you have lots of thinking time over the weekend…..meanwhile why not watch this film for more information #saferinternetday #freetobe
P6 scan our Wordboost Words for Week 5….
Using our class ipads to scan our QR code for our Boostwords from Horrid Henry’s Underpants by Francesca Simon we are going to sort them into Nouns ,Verbs and Adjectives ……
P6 Maths Bot has arrived….
Smoke Free School Gates- Parent Event Planning…
Click here for more information you will need P6 and P7…….
Here is another website you may find helpful when planning your stalls this month….