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Reminder: Christmas Fun Day on Friday

P6/7 will be responsible for leading and running this.

It is a non-uniform day.  We ask for £2 per pupil (maximum £4 a family)  to cover the cost of the day.Image result for christmas fun day clip art

Hot dogs and drinks can be ordered at 50p each.

Letter sent home on Thursday with permission slips.  We can supply another if needed.




Children’s Fun Day

P6/7 are really looking forward to organising and taking charge of our fun day on Friday. Please remember to bring your permission slips in to let us know if you are allowed to get your face painted or have a transfer done. We also need to know if you are allowed a hot dog and our delicious Christmas punch! There will be lots of games like pin the nose on Rudolph, beat the goalie and pick the stick! It will be great fun for everybody. Remember it’s a dress down day too!!


Growth Mindset Feedback

P2/3 created squirrel pictures using Autumn leaves from outside for their tails. We were really proud of our squirrels and so we took them to show Mrs Conaghan and P4/5.

We then took part in a feedback session about what we did really well with our squirrels and what we could try to do next time. Using their own feedback, some pupils in P4/5 then went on to try and make their own squirrel pictures also using leaves and came to show us in P2/3.

All squirrels now share our Growth Mindset feedback tree which is in Miss Robb’s P2/3 class.

Dont they look great!


Growth Mindset Feedback in P1/2 and P6/7

P1/2 and P6/7 worked collaboratively again today to finish off our new “Paper Dolls” stories. The infants made up the stories and their big buddies scribed for them to create beautiful books complete with pictures. These stories will appear outside Mrs Nicol’s classroom. Miss Glencorse then collected constructive feedback from both the P6/7’s and the P1/2’s. It was a brilliant morning and everyone had a great time! Here is some of our feedback, all aimed at trying  to create a Growth Mindset! Well done everyone!


JRSO Launch

Yesterday, Coni and Macauley, along with Miss Glencorse, attended the Junior Road Safety Officer Launch at St Anthony’s Primary in Armadale. There were lots of good ideas and Coni and Macauley, along with Lewis, Tiegan and Eilidh, the rest of our JRSO team, will be working hard on producing an assembly to show to the rest of the school . As you will see from the photos, Macauley even got a chance to practice!! We also have a JRSO mascot called Officer Pickles! Look out for more information from the JRSO team soon.