Category Archives: Primary 6

All the children in Our Lady of Lourdes

Good morning everyone,

Whole school challenge…

Attached is a whole school challenge, which we thought would be good to support the new primary one children coming into our OLOL family.

Draw the OLOL school badge.

So all the new primary one children can spot them all over Blackburn, and feel connected to the school.

Thank you everyone.

We are looking forward to seeing the OLOL badges in your windows.

Stay safe everyone and take care. x

OLOL badge challenge



Good Morning P6 and welcome to your REMOTE LEARNING classroom…

Hope you all had a lovely weekend with your family and are all ready to learn lots using our Monday SWAY, here it is….. any problems please TYPE/CHAT on our TEAMS page…

Go to this Sway

P6 exciting news…for our Narrative Dragon Stories….

As part of DIGITAL LEARNING WEEK 2020 P6 were asked to use CLASSNOTEBOOK on their TEAMS page to create an exciting new dragon character for a story to be shared at our virtual assembly….

Good news P6 Mrs Brennan has agreed and said this was a wonderful idea so get typing and we can share some of your excellent stories which have used the NARRATIVE target ticket as a guide with our school community……do you want to read it yourself? Let us know we can help you practice?

Well done to the pupils who have already started this SWAY activity this week ….keep going you are making us proud!