Category Archives: Primary 4

This week in P3/4

In our topic this week we started to learn what happened to the Celts. We learned that the Romans came to the UK and took over most of England and Wales. We learned about Boudicca (Boadicea) and how she fought the Romans but lost. We continued with our weaving, but this was very hard. We painted our torcs and they look wonderful.

This week the children enjoyed ….
Robbie, Aiste and Liam – I liked the pantomime.
Ellie, Pheonix and Julian – I really enjoyed the fun day.
Alix – I liked painting the torcs.
Ross, Tapiwa and Jamie – I liked the weaving but it was really hard.
Lauchlin and Chloe – I enjoyed sharing our projects in class.


In maths P3 continued to develop their addition skills through adding and understand how to carry over into the next column of tens and units. P4 continued learning the 6 times table. We also continued our learning about symmetry and completed colourful symmetrical pictures for display.



Well done P3/4.


P3/4 this week

In our topic this week we learned what the Celts wore back in the Iron Age. We learned about how these clothes evolved into the kilts we know today. We also learned that they liked to wear jewellery and we started to make Torcs. We watched a clip about weaving and decided that we are going to try this out next week.

In our writing this week we learned about persuasive writing, through writing our letters to Santa and persuading him that we really should have the presents we want, or at least what we deserve! We also remembered to write out an envelope with the correct address and draw a stamp on it to make sure it gets to Santa.


Ellie, Aiste, Zoe and Faith – I liked making my Torc.

Lauchlin and Robbie – I started to learn the 6 times table.

Ruby, Phoenix, Ross and Demi-Lee  – I liked writing my letter to Santa.

Chloe – I liked making my tartan design.

Fern, Maddie, Robbie – We really enjoyed watching the P1/P2 Nativity.

We all really enjoyed watching the P1 / P2  Nativity.  Well done P1 and P2.




P3/4 this week

This week in our topic we received another archaeology kit from Archaeology Scotland. This time it had a skeleton inside, just plastic but still life size! We used this to understand more about archaeology and the information they can get from a skeleton. We made our own skeleton pictures using cotton wool and cotton buds. We also learned more about the Celts and their religion. That the Celts had religious men called Druids, who talked to their gods on behalf the people. They had many gods and worshiped them by sacrificing, feasting and celebrating. We also learned that some of the festivals are still seen today, such as Halloween.





Well done P3/4

Please note: P4 children who will be taking sacraments will have an enrolment mass on Sunday 29.11.15 at 10:45am at the church.