All posts by Mrs Nicol

Another engineer visits Primary 4

Design engineer, Jamie brought his 3D printer into class.  He showed us how he translates a solid object into a program, which can then be loaded into the printer.  The machine melts a reel of plastic and lays it onto a glass plate in sections – building up one row at a time.  This little plastic robot took about 30 minutes to print, but the robotic hand was our favourite.  Jamie has left us a design challenge to work on over the next week.

“What did Vikings eat?” asked Primary 4.


Cured pig
It does smell fishy!

During our recent visit to Tesco, one team of shoppers bought a selection of healthy Viking snacks. We know from our research that they would have eaten berries, oatcakes, honey, and eggs.  It was important to take preserved food on long voyages.  In our novel, Horned Helmet, the raiders had cured ham and pickled herring – washed down with barley ale.


P4’s visit to Tesco

A huge thank you to Tracey at Tesco for hosting Primary 4’s Farm to Fork session yesterday.  The three groups of shoppers collected healthy ingredients for breakfast, lunch and dinner – all carefully following the Eat Well Plate guidelines.  Tracey had prepared some delicious healthy snacks for us to have at break time. Well done everyone for trying something different  (and to those who took part in the prune challenge.)

We were very surprised when comparing the sugar content per serving of popular cereals.  The children then made muesli, crammed with seven different fruits and 

seeds, which they are going to have for breakfast this morning.



P1/2 Learning About Bees

P1/2 got the chance to explore a real bee hive last week.   Mr Brown brought a spare hive and some of his bee-keeping equipment to let us try on.  He showed us photographs of his bees and explained how they make the honey and wax.  We had great fun and learned a lot…see our display wall for some amazing bee fact writing. (Challenge question: what do you call a person who keeps bees? )