All posts by Ms Gavin

To all my P2 children

Just a little thank you to all the parents who posted comments to let me know how the children are getting on.  It was really nice to hear from you.  Well done to all the children who are working hard and continuing to focus on their learning.

On the P2 Weekly timetable for this week, there are lots of additional information and links for online sites.  I have also uploaded activities on Education City.

Remember children, mummies and daddies are keeping in touch with me letting me know how hard you are working, so remember to listen to mums and dads and work hard.

However, please mums and dads don’t worry if the children do not want to do all the activities, or they are working really quickly through them.  Hopefully the extra activities and information I’ve sent will help to keep them going or encourage them into learning.

Missing you all, take care and stay safe.

Best wishes

Ms Gavin

Primary 2 Week Beginning 30th March 2020

Sending all my best wishes to the children in Primary 2, I hope all are well and safe.

Please find attached the Timetable for this week along with lots of activities for you.   Remember there are lots of online and live activities going on at the moment, why not check out some of these including …


Steve Backshall Wildlife (on Facebook daily at 9.30am)

Music with Myleene Klass, follow her on Instagram (Monday’s and Fridays at 10am)

Maths with Carol Vorderman: (daily at 10am)

Glasgow Science Centre (daily at 10am)

Fischy music live assembly,   (every Monday at 11am) follow on Facebook/ or

Audio Stories from David Walliams (daily at 11am)

Cooking with Jamie Oliver (daily at 12noon) with adult supervision.

The Critter Kepper (follow on Facebook) all about animals. Daily at 1.30pm.

Reef Relief (follow on Facebook) all about marine science.  Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 2.30pm.

Ben Fogle (follow on Instagram) adventure/wilderness. Daily at 4pm.

Twinkl Live Lessons for 3-5, 5-7 and 7-11 (follow Twinkl Scotland parents group) see group for lesson times for different age groups.

Best wishes and keep safe everyone.

Ms Gavin

Timetable home learning week 2





Music with Mrs Lang

Hello P2
You have already played the Egg Detective with me in school but now I would like you to teach it to someone in your home.
First start with body percussion, clap, click, tap.  You can choose what you would like to do.
Next be creative.  What can you use for instruments?  A pot/tub with a spoon?  Rice/pasta in a tub for shaking?  Use your imagination.  Have fun😊
Mrs Lang

Primary 1

This week the children have continued to settle into the class routines.  They have started their reading books in class, but since these are non-word books these are being used to develop comprehension and understanding of books.

In maths we have been looking at pattern and using play activities, along with workbooks to develop the children’s understanding of a repeating pattern with colour, shape and/or size.  This was a bit tricky for some but these concepts will be revisited.

We have started learning our sounds and this week we have learned about ‘m’ and ‘c’.  Many activities have been used, including songs, actions and stories to help children recall the letter name, shape and help them write these letters.

The children also had a fabulous time when the drama company came and dramatized ‘Charlotte’s Web’.

Well done P1!