All posts by Miss Reilly

P6 Camp… nearly over! 😟

Lots of fun, laughter and great team work shown by all this week. Everyone been a credit to the school… even Mrs Kean! Lots of photos to share with families when we’re back too… only putting some on here when we get wifi long enough! Camp fire 🔥 tonight… see you all tomorrow! Miss Reilly 👍

Pupil Council

img_0092Congratulations to all our pupil Council reps who were chosen by their classmates to make up our pupil Council for 2016/17. They are all ready to hear all their thoughts and opinions about their school so to keep improving everything at Our Lady of Lourdes for all! Exciting times! 😊

Smoothie recipe…by request!………

Image result for smoothie clip art Some children have been asking what was in the delicious smoothies they all tried this week at school! Ultra healthy and can be tried at home if you have any type of blender…

In our smoothies we put, strawberries, raspberries, oranges, bananas, apple, pineapple and spinach! (even had some eating spinach on its own!). Add fruit juice and blend. SUPER FOOD SMOOTHIE OR WHAT!?

Smoothies for Health Week! 👍

Every class will get the opportunity to discuss/ sample the fruits as well as discuss the benefits of them. They will see smoothies  get made and of course they’ll all get a taste too!

We Started off today with P1/2 and P6s… We sneaked spinach in them as well as lots of fruit. Adding spinach as a super food will make us all strong! P1/2 said they could feel their muscles grow already by drinking the spinach in their smoothie! We all agreed that they were delicious!  The empty cups showed that this was definitely the case…


Read Write Count Event – SAVE THE DATE!

rwcRead, Write, Count is a online resource for parents with young children. It’s full of ideas that help children learn and have fun along the way too!

Blackburn schools are very fortunate to be part of a Launch Day for all P2 and P3 children. Parents and carers will be invited along on the morning of FRIDAY 25th NOVEMBER for ideas and goodies! MORE DETAILS TO FOLLOW… Have a look at the website for yourself…