Healthy Reading Scheme

“Healthy Reading Scheme Launch West Lothian”

Healthy Reading 1 HealthyReading2 pp.healthy reading launch271015


Schools have been asked to support this by sharing this widely,

Hello and Welcome to the electronic healthy reading scheme for children and young people in West Lothian.  This set of evidence based books are available now in West Lothian libraries for children and young people/parents/carers and staff.  Everyone is able to access these books simply by being a member of West Lothian Council libraries.  The attachment named “Healthyreadlaunch” gives you information about the scheme and step by step instructions about how to access these books.  The other 2 attachments include lists of books included in the scheme, age guidance and descriptors of the books themselves.

If you require any further information:


Health Improvement Team: or telephone 01506 775626

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