Category Archives: News

The Liv’n Harmoneez Kidz Choir

The Black Bull Function Suite

Mid Calder

Thursdays 6.30pm-7.10pm

Starts Thursday 5th November

Cost £4 per week

Come along and join our exciting new addition to Star Harmonies-

The Liv’n Harmoneez!

This is a new and exciting Choir for kids from P3 upwards where the emphasis is on fun and enjoyment as much as singing.

Singing is proven to boost your confidence, improve concentration and gives your body a good workout.

Come along, make new friends and sing some popular modern pop musical theatre and traditional songs in a welcoming environment.

To book a place and for more details phone: 07545 178310

Or e-mail-starharmonies,


House Meeting 2

Today we had our second house meeting which had a focus on our playground. First of all the vice and house captains shared with us our house logos and slogans and also the values that our house thought were the most important:

  • Almondell: Friendly & Enthusiastic
  • Cunnigar: Friendly & Inclusive
  • Linhouse: Friendly & Enthusiastic
  • Calderwood: Enthusiastic & Successful

The vice and house captains taught us a new community builder called; elephants, monkeys, helicopters and palm trees. They were taught how to play this game at peer mediator training.

Next we discussed the importance of being safe in the playground and why we need to create a playground charter. We got into groups and discussed what we should have in our playground charter, and the house and vice captains will take this information to make a school playground charter.

Thank you to our house and vice captains for organising the house meeting, and to the P7s for organising the groups.

October Newsletter 2015

Dear Parent/Carer,

As Money Fortnight draws to a close there has been a buzz around learning about money around the school. From setting up a café in the nursery role play area to costing out a trip to Japan in the upper school. The children are very excited about sharing their learning with you this afternoon (Thursday 15th October) and at home it would be beneficial if they had opportunities to apply this learning in real life contexts, information on this is included on our school blog under homework. I hope you all have a lovely October break and look forward to seeing you in the new term.

Miss Thompson

October 2015

Money Fortnight Open Afternoon

To celebrate the end of Money Fortnight we invited our parents and families into school to share with them what we have been learning about in connection with money, and also our interdisciplinary learning context for learning. Activities included visiting the bank, sharing our storybook, making a rainforest in a bottle and making sushi. Thank you to all the parents and families that came along to support this event, there was a great ‘buzz’ around the school.