Category Archives: Events
P1 Induction Evening
The Lion King JR Dress Rehearsal
We are learning to perform on a stage
– I can show awareness of space and audience
– I can listen for musical and vocal cues
– I can project my voice using appriate pace, tone and expression
– I can move on and off the stage appropriately and safely
We are learning about the different backstage roles
Lighting and sound- I am aware of how the equipment works and know my musical and vocal cues
Props and scenery- I am aware of what is needed on stage for each scene and know my musical and vocal cues
This term, Primary 4 and 5 have been working extremely hard to prepare for their upcoming performances of The Lion King Jr. We have been learning all about the different roles that are need to prepare for a production like this, and each member has been contributing enthusiastically to their role. On Friday, we showcased everything we have been working towards to the school in our first dress rehearsal, which was a huge success. We received lots of positive feedback from our peers and staff and know our next steps for our final rehearsals. We Just Can’t Wait to deliver our three shows next week now!
To raise money for our show, we also held an animal dress up day for the whole school and raised £113.18.
A huge thank you to all who donated!
P7 Fair
On Thursday 1st June the P7 pupils held a fair to raise money for their P7 Leaver’s Party. There were lots of stalls with things to do or buy. All pupils in the school had the chance to come along. Some of the stalls included:
- Soak the House Captains/Vice Captains
- Buy slime
- Baking stall
- Lucky Dip
- Temporary Tattoos
- Beat the Goalie
They raised over £500 which is fantastic! A huge thank you to all the boys and girls who came along and helped the event to be a great success. Also a thank you to the P7s for their hard work and to everyone who donated baking.
Mid Calder Gala Day
The shone on Mid Calder for their annual Children’s Gala Day. We had a great turn out from our school community to walk with us in the procession.
The Primary 7 pupils had a special treat!
We entered three school teams in the Gala Relay Races. Thank you to the children who represented our school, especially the boys team who won!
You can find more photos on the West Lothian Flickr page.
Thank you to the Gala committee for organising such a fun, community event.
Mid Calder Gala Football
West Lothian Track & Field Event
The overall first prize went to five year old Isra Ahmed, a primary 1 pupil at Milton Primary School, South Lanarkshire, with her creative design that kept it simple yet impactful with the message: ‘Read the sign, take your time.’
Mid Calder’s Wonderful World of Reading
Hadden Construction Safety Competition
Hadden Construction are building our new Nursery and they set us the challenge of designing a safety poster for the building site. As Primary 1 have been learning all about building they judged the competition. The winners were announced at assembly this morning and received a gift voucher funded by Hadden Construction. We are also using the rest of the donation to buy some new books for our new library.
A big well done to everyone who took part and thank you to Hadden Construction.