Category Archives: Primary 2

STEM Open Morning

This  morning, MCPS opened its doors to parents, carers and friends in order for pupils to exhibit their learning through our STEM (Sciences, Technologies, Engineering ad Mathematics) contexts for learning. This included:

P1: The Garden

P2-3: The Great Deserted Island

P4-5: Project Planetarium

P6-7: CSI

Our guests spent time in their children’s classes taking part in a wide range of activities including; designing space crafts of the future, information sessions, demonstrations, Science investigations and lots more.

We also used this time to ask parents for their input into our Curriculum Rationale, the the results of which will be shared soon.

Thank you to everyone who came along to support the event.

The Great Deserted Island STEM Challenge Two

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LI. We are learning to develop our knowledge of measurement, forces and scientific processes to solve a problem.

SC. We can plan, design and build a bridge that will hold weight.

SC. We will test and discuss what happened, what worked and what we would do differently next time.

This week P2 have been helping  Sir Harley Houndstooth III  survive on the deserted island by constructing a bridge to help him cross a lagoon. First we chunked the challenge and thought about how we were going to help Sir Harley. We decided to build bridges to help him cross the lagoon. Next we drew bridge designs and we used these designs to help us build a bridge using lolly pop sticks, string and cello tape. We all worked well in our teams and were able to able some of the team work targets that we had set in challenge one. We then tested our bridges by seeing how long they would be able stay up with one rubber on them spanning a 25cm gap between two tables and without falling down. We are all really enjoying our IDL context and are looking forward to the next challenge.

The Great Deserted Island STEM Challenge One

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LI. We are learning to construct a model using measurement, area, force and motion, scientific process and properties of shapes.

SC. We can plan, design and build a hut that will with stand a small wind storm

SC. We can work together to share ideas.

SC. We can adapt and change our plans as required.

SC. We will test and evaluate our design as appropriate.

This week P2 have been trying to help Sir Harley Houndstooth III survive on the deserted island by constructing a hut that he could use to shelter in away from the tropical storms. We worked in teams and each team built our own hut. We learned lots about the skills we need to work effectively as part of a team such as, good cooperation, good listening skills and effective use of time. After we built our huts we then tested them to see if they would survive the storm (using a hair drier.) We discussed what a fair test is and decided how to make the test fair. We are very happy to report that none of the huts fell over but most of them moved and we recorded how far then moved in centimetres. Each team then set group targets for what good team work will look like and sound like for the next challenge.

Next week we will be helping Sir Harley Houndstooth III by building a bridge we will keep you posted on how we got on.

Reading and Writing Non-Fiction Books with P3/2

What an exciting few weeks the children have had in P3/2 – We have been researching and writing our own non-fiction books LI. We are learning to write a non-fiction book.

In Reading – We were learning over a six week period;

  • About the features of a non-fiction book.
  • To consider how non-fiction books differ from fiction books.
  • To discuss the difference between fact and fiction

How – lots of different opportunities were experienced to ‘hook’ us in e.g.

  • I can share two new facts/information I have learned from my non-fiction book
  • I can make questions to find the answers
  • I can find the answers to others questions


In reading groups appoint facilitator and resource manager

Give out white boards and pens

In groups the facilitator chose people in turn to share two facts they had learned and then invited questions from the group.

What are good question starters? What, where when how who is etc…

Next they had to generate three questions that you might find the answer to in their text. Mrs Allsopp modelled outloud her thinking giving an example from each text.

They then gave their questions to another group to find the answers!


In writing we were able to then generate our own success criteria having thoroughly researched the ‘common’ features of non-fiction texts.

  • I can identify the success criteria for my book
  • I can write three chapters – each chapter must share three new facts.
  • I can include a picture, and/or diagram
  • I can include an index , contents, glossary
  • I can include a Front and back cover with a title and blurb

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Now that we had completed the research we were ready to make our own books.

The success criteria were referred to throughout the process.

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When the books were complete the children had to write a book review on each other’s…a lot of feedback and discussion was had.


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Finally our books have been displayed for anyone to have a read and learn!

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The Great Desert Island STEM Challenge!


This week P2 found out about our new exciting interdisciplinary context which is the Great Desert Island Challenge. We started by listening to a story about a group of sea travelers who were exploring the seas when their ship became wrecked on a desert island. There was only one survivor, Sir Harley Houndstooth III. We now have to help him survive on the desert island and get back to the civilized world. We were all very excited and up for a challenge!

Over the next few weeks P2, P2/3 and P3 will be given a series of challenges in which we will have to help Sir Harley Houndstooth III. We will be developing our skills in group work through carrying out different roles and developing our knowledge of the STEM subjects (Science, Technologies Mathematics and Engineering.)

Parents and carers can help by bringing in materials from the list in your child’s homework jotter. We will keep you posted on the challenges we do,

Thank you for your continued support.

Mr Nelson.

Using ICT to enhance learning in Mid Calder

We are living in a constantly evolving digital world and technology has an impact on nearly every aspect of our lives. And, we are very lucky to be able to use this technology in school to develop skills that will help us in the world of work and in our journey as lifelong learners in our ever advancing world.

Here are some of the ways that we use ICT to enhance our teaching and learning in Mid Calder Primary School:

Primary Two have been learning all about Science through our STEM workshops.

This week we all went along to a STEM workshop in the hall.  We took part in a series of differ Science experiments and challenges. One of the challenges involved making a bridge out of paper, in another challenge we put mints into coke and watched what happened. We all really enjoyed taking part in the different experiments and would like to thank the STEM junior leadership team for making this possible.

Mr Nelson.

Curriculum Evening: Maths

On Thursday night we invited parents and carers along to find out about our world of Maths at Mid Calder Primary. As you know Maths is on our school improvement plan for the second year, we began in the hall discussing with parents our journey with maths so far. Then the Numeracy shared with us some information about SEAL (stage of early arithmetical learning) and how parents can support at home.  This was followed by workshops in classes demonstrating what a typical maths lesson looks like and how parents can support their child at home. A big thank you to everyone who supported the event and to our house and vice captains who helped with the smooth running of the event.

Feedback from parents included:

  • ‘These evenings are great to get ideas as to how to help my child at home’.
  • ‘Our daughter talks a lot about the strategies she is learning about’.
  • ‘My child is very enthusiastic when doing Maths homework’.
  • ‘This was a good insight into how my child is learning and developing within Maths’.
  • ‘We can see the improvements being made, keep up the good work’.

School Overview:

Numeracy Team Input:


Primary 1:

Primary 2/3:


Primary 4/5:


Primary 6/7