Category Archives: Learning Stories

Drawing characters using Paint

We are learning to use software to create pictures and words.

I can use Paint software on my own (independently).

I can use Paint software to create a picture of my story character. 

I can use Paint software to type the name of my story character.

Last week we were exploring how to use Paint software on the netbooks. We were not allowed to ask Miss Burton any questions about Paint, instead we explored the software, making some mistakes along the way. We realised it was okay to make mistakes as we learned from our mistakes and our peers could help us if needed help.

This week we progressed in our learning by using Paint to create a character from our Three Little Pigs story and to write their name. We also learned  how to save our work onto Pupil Shared, and realised this is an important skill for life as it means we can find our work again and can make changes to it at another time. you will see some examples of our characters below.


Rainforest Art in Primary 5

Learning Intention:

We are learning how to blend colours using oil pastels to create a piece of rainforest art.

Success Criteria:

I can use pictures and images to help me accurately draw a sketch of my chosen animal

I know what colours work well together to blend my pastels effectively


Through our rainforest IDL context, we have been learning all about the people and animals that live in the rainforest. Having already learned about different rainforest animals by researching then using our notes to create a fact file, we decided to use this knowledge to help us create a piece of art. We knew all about the appearance and habitat of our chosen animals and used this to sketch out an outline of our animal before exploring how to blend colours through the medium of oil pastels. We felt very proud of the end results, and we hope that you like them too!

Japanese Cherry Blossoms

LI: We are learning about Japanese cherry blossoms and why they mean so much to the Japanese culture.

SC: I can discuss why the cherry blossom are important to the Japanese people.

SC: I can create a cherry blossom, using water colour and printing.

The children researched why the cherry blossom trees were so important to the Japanese people.They found that in much of Japan, the flowering cherry trees (which the Japanese call sakura) come into full bloom around the beginning of April. April is the month when the new school year starts for Japanese children; it’s also the month when companies start their new business years and when many new graduates start to work. So the cherry blossoms make people think of new beginnings.

P7/6 commented on how beautiful and bright the cherry blossoms were, so we decided to create our own. The children chose either hot or cold water colours and used these to create the background. Next, paying attention to line thickness, they used black paint to create the sweeping branches. To make the pink blossoms the children chose to either use their finger or  use the base of a bottle to print. You can see the different effects on the photos below.

photo (2) photo (3) photo

P1a Patterns

This week in Primary 1a we have been learning about patterns.

LI  We are learning about patterns


I can recognise a pattern of lines, colours and shapes

I can continue a pattern

I can create a pattern

First of all we talked about what we thought a pattern was then we looked for examples of patterns around about us in the classroom. We found lots! Next, we looked at patterns on the Smartboard and described what we could see. We were able to say what came next in order to continue the pattern.

This was all very useful later in the day when we read the story of the Princess and the Pea, because we decided that we could  use what we had learned about  pattern to create some  really beautiful things for the Prince and the Princess, as well as the castle where they lived happily ever after. We set to work and soon we had made pretty patterned necklaces for the Princess, a super pattern for the Prince’s crown and lovely designs for the mattresses and quilts on the beds. We also made tall towers with flags on top and interesting floor designs for the castle. What a great job Primary 1 a!

Perhaps we should go for a walk around the school grounds and see if we can spot patterns outside. Do you think we will find any?

P1b Number Hunt

LI: We are learning to explore and understand numbers in our environment.

SC: I can find numbers around the school and playground.

SC: I can discuss the purpose of different numbers in my environment.

Primary 1b became number detectives this week. We explored our school and playground to look for numbers. We discovered that they are all around us and they have lots of different purposes.

There are lots of numbers in our classroom and playground for us to learn and play with:

“In school you can see numbers everywhere! We use them for counting and trying to recognise what                               number it is.”     Lucas

Daniel found numbers on our classroom date chart and Oscar found numbers on the clock in the infant department. These numbers help us to know what date and time it is. We also found numbers which help to organise lists, numbers which tell us how many points each house has, and numbers which help us to keep track of library books and story sacks.

As we hunted outside, we noticed numbers on the cars in the school car park. Finlay told everyone that these help us to know whose car it is.

We also shared some numbers we see outside of school. Isla MacKinnon, Aimee, Finlay and Brandon told us that the numbers on the front doors of their homes help them and the post man to know whose house it is. Kaitlyn has also noticed numbers on shop doors. These numbers sometimes help us to know what time shops open and close.

We are looking forward to hearing about all of the numbers the children find at home this weekend!

Making the most of the glorious weather P3/2 have taken ‘Nouns’ outdoors!

Making the most of the glorious weather P3/2 have taken ‘Nouns’ outdoors!

In P3/2 we have been revisiting a  world full of nouns. We are able to identify nouns in the world around us and categorize them according to words that name a person, place, or thing.

Lit 1.13a

  • I can supply words that are nouns by using my knowledge of whats around me.
  • I can identify a noun as a word that names a person, place, or thing.
  • I can use nouns when writing sentences and stories.
  • I can identify words that are nouns from our class novel and own reading books.

First, in class, we had to think of two different types of nouns for each classification. Mrs Allsop invited us to write them on the board…..


Next we went outside and played corners….each corner being either a name, a place, a thing/object and to really challange us added a corner where we had to write an adjective! Look at the fun we had…IMG_7089             IMG_7071          IMG_7072 IMG_7073               IMG_7075            IMG_7076 IMG_7077                IMG_7078             IMG_7079 IMG_7080               IMG_7083           IMG_7085

Finally we had to draw a proper noun of a friend…..


Next Steps: We will be writing our own interesting sentences linked to our story writing…demonstrating our ability to use our knowledge of nouns.


P3 Science – Sound

We are learning to identify the main areas in the ear and how they allow us to hear sounds.
•I can identify the ear as the organ for hearing
•I can identify the 3 main areas in the ear
•I can identify the function of the 3 main areas

We recapped on what we had already learned and we shared thoughts/ideas about how we hear sounds. We used a super interactive resource to learn that the brain and ear are used for hearing and how the process works. Not only did we learn to identify the 3 main areas and their functions, we learned about the different parts inside the ear, and even why you get dizzy if you spin around too quickly!
At the end, we were able to work together to name all the parts of the ear and completed an online quiz to show our understanding.
To help us visualise what happens when we hear sounds, we looked again at the rice and drum experiment – we love when the rice jumps up and down due to the sound vibrations!
Mrs Stewart was so excited that we had learned so much more than we had planned and that we could remember our learning when she asked us about it today! 🙂

Some comments from the children –
Cup your hands to your ears, it increases the sound you can hear – Rebekah
The ear is connected to your brain – Freiah
Interested in learning about the ear – Adam
Excited in the lesson – Matthew C
I loved the lesson! – Joni
I was surprised how many things are in the ear – Teagan
I was amazed! I didn’t know that much stuff about the ear, now I know loads – Gemma
I was quite impressed that we learned that much – Oliver
It would have been better if there had been a trickier quiz – Emme
Liquid in your ear makes you dizzy when you spin – Joni

Please click on the link to visit the website that we used to help us learn.
how we hear
or visit the website

P5/4 Rainforest Animal Art

Learning Intention – We are learning to create accurate images. (EXA 2-04a)

Success Criteria – I can carefully observe a photograph to create detailed images.

We searched for photographs on the internet of our chosen rainforest animals. Then we drew an outline of our animal onto black paper using black oil pastels. Next, we introduced some colour using chalk pastels. After that, we drew in a background for our image.

“I’ve never worked with chalk pastels before. It was ok but I didn’t like the feel of them!” (Cade)

“I’d not heard of oil pastels before but I enjoyed using them.” (Freya)

“I enjoyed researching on the netbooks with a partner and getting my hands messy!” (Kirsty)

“I enjoyed sharing ideas with my partner to help each other do a good job.” (Niamh)


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