Category Archives: Learning Stories

Cunnigar Candyland Party

Last term Cunnigar won the house cup, so after a vote they decided they wanted to have a Candyland Party. Owen and Ryan worked hard to plan a fantastic party which included chocolate corners, pass the parcel, selfies, wrap the captains and lots and lots of Candy! A big well done to the boys and the P7 helpers for organising our party.

P5 Learning Letter term 2

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to term 2 in Primary 5. All of the children have settled well into P5 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term. There is lots to look forward to, including our new IDL context: Mid Calder Memories. Also, all pupils are part of a Junior Leadership Team and have started making positive changes within our school. Please keep track of all that we are learning this term via the school blog.
Miss Anderson and Mrs Campbell
P5 Teachers
November 2017
Learning Letter P5 term 2 17-18

P3 Learning Letter Term 2

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 2 in Primary 3. All of the children have settled well into P3 and we are looking forward to a
busy and fun term 2. The highlights of last term included our Dinosaur IDL context, a trip to the National
Museum of Scotland, a visit from Mr T.Rex and sharing our learning with P1 and P7 through our Mid Calder
Museum. All pupils have also now joined a Junior Leadership Team and look forward to making positive
changes within our school this year.
Miss Sherlow
November 2017
Learning Letter P3 Term 2

123 Art

Here’s a 3d printer website:

Visit from DR Sam Vettese 

On Thursday DR Sam Vettese came in and told us about here 3D printer and how it uses recyclable potato starch. DR Sam Vettese  works in art and design at Napier University with 3D Printers. She brought a 3d printer in to show us then we made models out of plasticine. We were wee replicators for a while.

Dr Sam Vettese used to make bracelets and looked very pretty, Now she makes 3D models and researches new materials. Her favourite printing material is laminated wool.

We explored design ideas of what we would want printed in 3-D using Plasticine and got to take them home. What do YOU think of  3D Printers?

Thank you so much to  DR Sam Vettese for the amazing art lesson/visit  we hope you enjoy every moment.

Daniel and the P6 and p6/7 Editorial Team


P2 Term 2 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 2 in Primary 2. All of the children have settled well into P2 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term 2. The highlights of last term included our Dinosaur IDL context, a trip to the National Museum of Scotland, a visit from Mr T. Rex and sharing our learning with P1 and P7 through our Mid Calder Museum. All pupils have also now joined a Junior Leadership Team and look forward to making positive changes within our school this year.

Mrs Smith

Learning Letter P2 Term 2

P1 Learning Letter: Term 2

Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to Term 2 in Primary 1. All of the children have settled well into P1 and we are looking forward to a busy and fun term 2. The highlights of last term included our Toy Story context for learning. Thank you to everyone who came along to share a toy from their childhood with the children. All pupils have also now joined a Junior Leadership Team and look forward to making positive changes within our school this year.

Miss Prior and Mrs Walker

Learning Letter P1 T2

P2 Mid Calder Museum

At the end of our IDL topic about Dinosaurs, Primary 2 invited P1 and P7 to their Museum.

First, we made posters to inform the classes that the museum was about to open, and we put them up all around the school.


Then, we discussed the things we particularly enjoyed about our own visit to the National Museum of Scotland, and we talked about the kind of things we thought would have made our visit even better.                                                         For instance, we really enjoyed handling the dinosaur bones and looking at the huge skeleton models, but we thought that a short film about dinosaurs would have been really interesting too.

Thinking about these points, each Dino Discovery Team planned their own display. They had lots of  amazing ideas! Soon, we had displays that included

  • digging for fossils in the sand
  • sorting dinosaur models into herbivores and carnivores
  • working as a team to build an enormous jigsaw and name the dinosaurs
  • using netbooks to create dinosaur pictures
  • a quiz
  • a short film clip about a stegosaurus

Primary 2 wanted their visitors to have lots of opportunities to pick things up and handle them, to play and to be creative as they learned about dinosaurs. They also created Fact Files about different dinosaurs, and carefully chose non-fiction books to display as well.

PSA Halloween Disco

A big thank you to our PSA for organising such a fun and creative Halloween Party. Two of our house and vice captions attended a PSA to discuss what the pupils would like at the Disco and the PSA used this information to plan our exciting parties. Thank you to all the pupils, parents and staff who attended the discos.

Nursery Term 2 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 2 in Mid Calder Nursery. We had a busy first term, getting to know each other, making new friends and enjoying our new building. We learned new routines, both inside and outside the nursery. The children risk assessed each area themselves and decided how they could play safely and learn successfully. We learned more about what we could do in each area and how we could use the new resources. The children and staff also talked a lot about what values we aimed to live by in the nursery and we created our nursery charter. This helped us during our first planner about friendship. We have all been showing qualities of a good friend, listening well, being kind and caring and sharing our space and resources with others.

Mrs Murray, Mrs Aikman, Mrs Murphy, Mrs Williamson and Mrs Findlay.

learning letter october Term 1