Category Archives: Learning Stories

P5: Term 3 Learning Letter

Learning Letter P5a P5c Term 3

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 5. We hope you have all enjoyed a restful Christmas and New Year break and that the children are ready for the new challenges of the term ahead. Last week saw the beginning of our new IDL context ‘RMS TITANIC’. The children have already engaged really well with this fascinating topic and many of them have been keen to share facts or information they have found with the rest of the class. Throughout this context we will be focusing on life in the Edwardian era, in particular the class system and how this impacted on the disaster. We will also learn about the personal stories of the passengers on board the ship and will consider whether the disaster could have been prevented. Miss Anderson and Mrs Campbell

P3: Term 3 Learning Letter

Learning Letter P3 Term 3

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 3. We are looking forward to a busy and fun term. The highlights of last term included our Mini Mid Calder Main Street sharing the learning afternoon and our IDL context based on The Creakers. We also loved learning and performing Tom Fletcher’s Afraid of Heights for the West Lothian YouTube channel. We have now begun our new IDL context for learning, Homeward Bound, and are excited about helping Gamba the Giraffe to make his way home to Africa.


Miss Sherlow

P2: Term 3 Learning Letter

Learning Letter P2 T3

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 2. We are certainly looking forward to a very busy term, and the children have already settled back into classroom routines.

The highlights of last term included our Sharing the Learning Afternoon. P2 enjoyed opening their own shop and selling the goods they had made. It was a great opportunity to handle money in a real life context. Thank you to everyone who also came along to our Open Afternoon during Scottish Book Week. The children very much enjoyed exploring the contents of their Read, Write, Count Bag with you. We have now started our new IDL context for learning – Homeward Bound. We are looking forward to helping our giraffe find his way back home to Africa.

Mrs Smith

P1: Term 3 learning Letter.

Learning Letter P1 T3

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 3 in Primary 1. We are looking forward to a busy and fun term. The highlights of last term included our local area trip, as part of our Travelling Ted IDL and of course our marvellous ‘Midwife Crisis’ Nativity. This term we will be starting our new IDL context for learning, Whatever the Weather.

Miss Prior and Mrs Walker

Magical Mysteries in Art in P5C and P5A

Master Printmaker Nick Devison ran a workshop for the P5s on Burns Day and what a magical event it was. We had worked on Pressprinting and how to make a clean, clear print and Nick showed us how to develop our skills and play with the materials showing developing skill using line, shape and texture (EXA 2.03a). P5C extended this with the addition of watercolour to their favourite artwork on the 26th.
We used a specialist safe etching ink and experimented with cut-out shapes, making lines and creating textures with our hands, pens, cotton buds and cocktail sticks.
As you can see from the pictures we had abstract artworks which were quite mysterious as well more figurative works. P5C gave constructive comment on their own and others’work (EXA 2.07a)
Megan and Tiegan loved that they were not directed in their themes and could make as many works until the paper ran out! Megan even made a collaborative work with Annabel. Most of all the magic of turning over the monoprints to see what had been printed was the most magical thing of the morning.
It was great P5a got to find out more about the career of an artist and it was a lot of fun. Clearing up was not quite so much fun for the class teachers but nobody said learning had to be clean:-)
A HUGE thank you to Nick. It was a finale to our lessons on printmaking.

An Avalanche of Arctic Advice

We are learning about the Arctic
I can describe the climate of the Arctic
I can describe the living things found in the Arctic
I understand how the climate and the landscape affects the living things

This week, a special delivery arrived for Primary 3. We used our skills of prediction to guess what was inside the box, using the clues on the wrapping to help us to make a realistic prediction. That is how we met Gamba the Giraffe. Gamba was lost and needed our help to find his way home. First of all, we had to use our research skills to find out where Gamba came from. We used iPads and netbooks to discover that we needed to help him get back to Africa, then we sent him on his way.

However, we soon heard back from Gamba to let us know that he hadn’t quite made it back home. He asked for our help to find out about this strange land that he had arrived in. He needed to know about the climate, landscape and living things that he might see in, what we quickly discovered was, the Arctic. Again, we used our research skills to find out new information, using key words to help us find out the facts quickly and easily.

We then used our Glow accounts to email Gamba to tell him what we had found out and give him advice about what to do next. We learned how to add a recipient, include a subject heading and how to layout an email.

We can’t wait to hear back from Gamba to see if he manages to get back home…