Category Archives: Information for Parents

Fairtrade Fortnight

Good afternoon everyone,

With schools closed today I am sure you have been enjoying some fun in the snow! However, if you are looking to stay warm and keep busy indoors there are lots of fun Fairtrade activities to explore during Fairtrade Fortnight.

These websites are packed with lots of fun ideas and activities!

If you take any pictures of any Fairtrade activities you do it would be great to share them on the school blog. You can do this by emailing your pictures to the school or tweeting them to @MidCalder_PS .

Take care in the snowy weather, stay warm and most importantly have fun!


Miss Clark

School Closure

Good morning everyone,

I know you will have had a group call to say the school is closed tomorrow and that we will miss both the ‘P7 Assembly’ and the ‘Bingo Night’.

We will reschedule the P7 assembly for later in the session, I know they have put a lot of work into their presentations and it would be a shame if they did not get to showcase them. I am sure the PSA will be in touch to let everyone know the new arrangements for the bingo night.

The conditions are not ideal but it is lovely to look out and for children to venture out and have fun. I was out yesterday for a short while to clear garden paths and it was bitter cold, this morning you would not know where these paths are!

Boys and girls if you are outside keep wrapped up cosy and keep yourself safe. I look forward to seeing you all back with lots of stories on Monday.   Mrs McKenzie

Snow Snow Snow

Good morning everyone,

Here we are all stuck at home and wondering what we can do!

I do not imagine that is the situation at all and you are already very busy. However, boys and girls you could catch up on your spelling homework, read an extra few pages of your reading book or use your Sum-dog log in to complete some maths challenges OR you could get outside build an amazing snow structure, take a picture and e-mail the school with them. I am sure your teacher would love to see what you did on your day off. Take care and keep safe when you are outside, hope to see you tomorrow.                                                     Mrs McKenzie


P1P Explore Farms through Digital Technologies

LI: We are learning to use digital technologies to recreate aspects of a farm.

SC: I can work with others
I can share my ideas with others
I can plan and create simple programs/designs
I can use Purple Mash to create a picture of a farm.
I can animate a farm scene using Scratch JR

Today, P1P recalled their learning from last week’s technologies lesson during our IDL ‘On the Farm’. We used what we had learned from tinkering with Scratch JR to recreate and animate a farm scene. We were able to change the movement, size and speed of characters. Some of us even managed to record our own voices and add them to our characters.

We then explored Purple Mash for the first time to recreate a farm using clip art and animations. P1P were able to explore the app and come up with their own ideas.

Ooh La La! French Culture Hits Mid Calder.

Come along to our Curriculum Evening on Tuesday to find out how we learn about France, French culture and French vocabulary. The upper school will be there to present their learning with videos, Powerpoints and posters.

Miss Brolls will try to offer ways to support Modern Languages evening using cartoons

OR with a structured lesson as below

French First Level Classroom Talk Updated

Useful Website- Bedtime Math

Bedtime Math is striving to help families introduce maths as a fun part of their daily routine, as common and beloved as the bedtime story. They make it easy to roll maths into the day, whether at bedtime, bathtime, or snacktime.

You can check out the site by clicking the link below:

Bedtime Math For Families

There is also a free app that can be downloaded onto Smartphones and tablets.


Fairtrade Fortnight- Visit from Lush

As part of Fairtrade fortnight, LUSH Livingston will be in school on Thursday 1st March and, after a presentation with the whole school, they will have a LUSH stall, where some products will be available to buy.  If children wish to buy anything they should bring money in a purse/wallet/envelope.  It would help if the younger children also brought a note of what parents would like them to buy and if the older children knew too.  Please note that these products are subject to change depending on their delivery so LUSH can’t guarantee full availability on the day.
Cream Candy Bubble Bar £2.95
Ickle Bot Bath Bomb £1.95
Rocket Bath Bomb  £2.95
Cheer Up Buttercup Bath Bomb £2.95                     
Baa Bar Bubble Bar £4.50
Whoosh Shower Jelly 4.50
Charity Pot Hand and Body Lotion £1