Category Archives: Learning Letters

Primary 6 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 6.  This term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of CSI style investigations.  Here the pupils will have the opportunity to developing reasoning and logical thinking within problem solving scenarios.  We also have another exciting trip to look forward to, linked to our Health and Wellbeing topic for next term.  This will be a busy but exciting term and we are looking forward to continuing to work hard and progress well.

Mrs Ross

Dates for up and coming events:

28th April:  Parents Sex Education Evening at 6 p.m.

9th May:  Primary 6 trip to Edinburgh Zoo

learning letter p6 term 4

Primary 4 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 4. We are very much looking forward to working with Primary 4 over the next few weeks. The highlights of last term included hearing from specialist speakers linked to our Grand Designs topic, our NYCOS workshops and attending the benchball Sports Festival. This term we have started our new IDL context for learning Project Planetarium and we investigating ways we can share our learning using Glow. We are looking forward to our session with Cosmos Planetarium. You can follow our learning on the school blog:

Miss Burton and Mrs Redmond

Learning Letter P4 Term 4