We are learning to use different strategies to help us add
SC I can look at the pattern and say how many there are altogether
I can talk about the strategy I used
In Primary 1, during our recent Number Talks, we have been focusing our attention on Addition. We have been using dot patterns and ten frame patterns to help us. We look carefully as the pattern is flashed onto the SmartBoard, and we quickly work out how many dots or counters we see altogether. It’s very interesting to listen to each other’s ideas, and talk about the different strategies that have been used. For instance, we often talk about using Doubles, counting in twos, knowing number bonds and counting on to help us.
We practise our Addition in other ways too. Sometimes we play games together or use ICT.
Here are a couple of games that we enjoy playing in class.
http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button (addition within 10)
http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=PostSortingcalculationsv2 (total less than 10)