Category Archives: Curriculum Areas

P1 Number Talks

We are learning to use different strategies to help us add

SC I can look at the pattern and say how many there are altogether

I can talk about the strategy I used

In Primary 1, during our recent Number Talks, we have been focusing our attention on  Addition. We have been using dot patterns and ten frame patterns to help us. We look carefully as the pattern is flashed onto the SmartBoard, and we quickly work out how many dots or counters we see altogether. It’s very interesting to listen to each other’s ideas, and talk about the different  strategies that have been used. For instance, we often  talk about using Doubles, counting in twos, knowing number bonds and counting on to help us.

We practise our Addition in other ways too. Sometimes we play games together or use ICT.dscn1541dscn1529dscn1544dscn1546dscn1527dscn1525 dscn1549 dscn1550

Here are a couple of games that we enjoy playing in class.    (addition within 10)  (total less than 10)


Bring Your Own Device Update

This week, the Technical Troopers met to discuss the use of Bring Your Own Device in MCPS to find out what is going well and what can still be improved. As we are still in the trial phrase of Bring Your Own Device, we have decided to allow children in P5-7 who have a signed BYOD contract to use their own device during Free Time Friday. The Technical Troopers brainstormed the benefits and possible problems that could occur with this, and also discussed the possible consequence of the contract being broken during Free Time Friday.

We decided that all of the details outlined in our Responsible Use contract will still stand. This will be reviewed regularly to ensure that our pupils, staff and devices remain safe. You can see a copy of our Responsible Use contract here. If you would like your child to engage with Bring Your Own Device, copies of the contract can be obtained from the class teachers in P5-7.

In addition to this, and following on from our taster session from Google at the end of last term, we have recently purchased a set of 10 Virtual Reality headsets. These can be used with most smart phones using the ‘Expeditions’ app. Google Expeditions takes children on virtual trips all over the world, allowing them get up close with historical landmarks, dive underwater with sharks and even visit outer space! This is an exciting new use of Bring Your Own Device that we are looking forward to exploring.

Mid Calder celebrates Robert Burns in style!

On Friday 20th January, pupils from across each class demonstrated their Scots skills by participating in our annual Robert Burns assembly.

Two pupils from each class recited their poem in front of the audience, led by our House Captains.  We learned a little information about Rabbie Burns himself and we were treated to a real celebration of Scots culture, when girls from P6 and P7 performed some Highland dancing.

Niamh Sher, Cailin McKenna and Zach Paris will now go forward to represent Mid Calder Primary at the West Lothian Burns Recital competition later on this term.

ALL boys and girls who took part were a real credit to themselves – their use of Scots language was outstanding and dedication to learning their poems off by heart was fantastic.

Thankyou to our judging panel, Mr MacFarlane, Mrs Bokhari and Mrs Mackenzie had a tough job choosing a representative from Primary Five to Seven.

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Primary Seven get buddying!

Primary Seven pupils enjoyed their first buddying session with P1 pupils on Wednesday afternoon.

The focus for the afternoon session was developing Literacy skills – pupils from P2/1 were up leveling their sentence work in their fabulous stories about an ice castle.  P1 spent some time completing paired reading with their buddies to practice reading skills.

This was a fun session and Primary Seven are looking forward to their next visit in two weeks.

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P4B’s Amazing Line Art

LI: We are learning to create art using a variety of different lines.
SC: I understand the purpose of line within art.
I am aware of a variety of types of lines
I can experiment with different types of lines.
I can create a piece of artwork using line.

This week we have been learning about the importance of lines within art. We looked at a variety of different artists’ work and discussed their use of line and it’s purpose. We then began to experiment with different types of lines on our whiteboards and then shared our work with the class, giving and receiving feedback.
We will use what we have learned to create and draw our own imaginative farm scene using a various line styles and colours.

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Building Snow Castles in P2/1

Einartas had a great idea to go outside and build snow castles as part of our Castles interdisciplinary learning. Some of decided to work on our own, in pairs, in small groups and in larger groups. We had to use items that we found to create a castle. Some us added a flag created a moat and made turrets as we had been learning about the features of a castle in class. As a group we explained to the rest of the class the features of our castle and how we made it.

 We are learning to write a description of our ice castle.

  • I can describe what the castle looked like using wow words.
  • I can use sentences to describe the castle.
  • I can use capital letters and full stops.

When we went back in our class we talked to our learning partner about what our castle looked like. Then we wrote a description of our castle. We realised that we were so excited we forgot to add in wow words so during our buddy time, our buddy’s helped us to uplevel our writing  by using wow words.


P5a Maths

P5a Maths

Learning Intention:

We are learning to display information in frequency tables and bar charts and understand the impact of scale on these

Success Criteria:

  • I can ask and answer questions about information displayed in frequency tables and bar graphs
  • I understand the impact of scale on pictograms and bar graphs and can use this to make sensible choices about what scale to use
  • I can create my own pictogram or bar graph choosing an appropriate scale, labels for axes and title
  • I can ask and answer questions about bar line graphs

As part of our IDL topic on Natural Disasters, we have been learning about different ways of displaying data and how to interpret information shown on charts and graphs.

We looked at a selection of graphs and answered questions about the data displayed on them. We then surveyed our class and created our own graphs. When we could confidently do this, we looked at data about volcanic eruptions around the world and created bar graphs to show the number of deaths caused by these.  As we were working with large numbers we had to adjust the scale of our graphs accordingly to ensure they were accurate and that they would fit on the page! Next we will be learning how to create pie charts and line graphs.

P4a Health and Wellbeing

LI: We are learning to develop our skills in gymnastics.

SC: I can balance my weight on different body parts.

I can move with co-ordination and control.

I can change my speed and level.


This week we have started a new term developing our skills in gymnastics. We started looking at different shapes that we could make and safe ways to land. We focused on various ways to move across the beam and balancing pole. We really enjoyed using our bodies to carefully create balancing positions, with co-ordination and control. Well done P4!



P6’s Scottish Writing

P6 have had a great time learning all about Scots language. We have been reading a variety of poems and have studied Scots vocabulary. Using this knowledge, we have created our own ‘Oor Wullie’ comic strips. This has been a fun and engaging task and has been a great way of applying our knowledge of Scots language.

Learning intention – We are learning to write a comic strip using Scots vocabulary.

Success criteria – I can write speech appropriate to the images.

I can use 10/12/14 different Scots words.

I can write in an informal style.

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