Primary 4 and 5 featured in the West Lothian Courier for their achievements in their Dragons’ Den context for learning.
Primary 4 and 5 featured in the West Lothian Courier for their achievements in their Dragons’ Den context for learning.
A little update from the PSA on how much we have all raised so far for the playground fund.
The Christmas Fair and Christmas concerts added £2,531.20 and the Christmas Card Fundraiser added £545.03 to the fund.
This means the total raised since February this year is a staggering £9,090.62.
Well done everyone!
Both P1 classes have been set a homework challenge on SumDog. All questions are about numbers 1-10 to reinforce what they have been learning in class. You can access SumDog by downloading the free app or by going to The pupils log ins are in their homework jotters.
To select the correct SumDog Challenge, select Maths from the left hand side and then Homework Challenge.
To show that you are Winter Ready and can access the blog, please leave a comment below to say which is your child’s favourite game on SumDog.
Please find attached the P2 and P3 Burns Poems for our Annual Burns Competition. The pupils can select one of the poems for the competition. As part of their reading homework this week the pupils should learn as much of the poem that is appropriate for them (they do not need to read the whole poem). They should be able to read the poem without using the sheet and use expression. We will hold a mini Burns Competition in class on Friday 13th January. The winning pupils from both P2 and P3 classes will go through to the school Burns Competition on 20th January and their parents will be invited along.
As part of our Winter Ready preparation to show that you can access our blog, can you please leave a comment below to say which poem your child is learning.
Good luck!
Please find attached the P1 Burns Poem for our Annual Burns Competition. As part of their reading homework this week the pupils should learn as much of the poem that is appropriate for them (they do not need to read the whole poem). They should be able to read the poem without using the sheet and use expression. We will hold a mini Burns Competition in class on Friday 13th January. The winning pupils from both P1 classes will go through to the school Burns Competition on 20th January and their parents will be invited along.
As part of our Winter Ready preparation to show that you can access our blog, can you please leave a comment below to say which verse of the poem your child enjoyed the most.
Good luck!
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Minutes to be approved ( November minutes)
4. Financial Report
5. Correspondence
6. Update on Christmas Fair
7. Calendar’s
8. Movie Night – Thursday 2nd February
9. Family Night – Friday 3rd March
10. School Requests
11. AOB
12. Date & Time of next meeting 8/ 2 / 2017
Following their interdisciplinary context for learning on the BFG, this week Primary 2 and 3 presented their original The BFG at Christmas to our parents and carers. They showed us their creative skills through drama, singing and improvisation, well done Primary 2 and 3! Santa even made a surprise appearance at the end. Thank you to everyone who joined us.
Primary 1 to 7 can log onto SumDog and complete a reading challenge.
P1: Reading Challenge
P2-3: Punctuation Challenge
P4-7: Tricky Words Challenge
We will be looking to see who has the highest accuracy scores!
P1-7 can log into Marshmallow Land and peer assess the Christmas Music videos. You can also create your own music video and upload it!