Category Archives: Primary 1

Mrs McEwan’s Monday message

Good morning everyone! Welcome to Mrs McEwan’s Monday message! It’s the last Monday of the Summer term. I hope you are all well rested after the weekend This will be the last assembly for a while so I wanted to wish you all a great Summer break – I hope the sun shines for all of you! I can’t wait to see all of your happy, smiling faces when we see you again in August! Have a lovely Summer!

Mrs McEwan

22.6.20 Mrs McEwans Monday Message

Thursday P.E. 18.6.20

Good Morning P1, 2 and 3.  For P.E. today we have a balancing activity.

Before we begin, let’s warm up. Either choose a GoNoodle or JustDance track from YouTube or do a few minutes of switching between jogging on the spot and jumping jacks.

To begin the activity you can either use a dice or ask a member of you family to call out a number between 1 -6. For each number you roll/is called out, you make a balance shape with that number of body parts touching the floor. You shouldn’t balance on your head. If you roll the same number again you must create a different balance. Can you hold your shape still for 4 seconds? No wobbling! Can you have straight legs or arms and pointy toes? Repeat 4-6 times.

Next, watch the following link and create your sequence.

Finally, ask someone to look at the time on their phone or watch. Jog on the spot for what you think is exactly 1 minute, sit down when you think you have the time correct and the person timing will tell you how close you were.